Baseball is a white man’s game

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Recently a black major league baseball player commented that “baseball is a white man’s game,” when asked why NFL players were having “protests” (in others words cowardly acts of stupidity) and MLB players were not.

“Baseball is a white man’s game,” said the millionaire black baseball player who probably thinks Plato is a kids toy that comes in a can.

It’s actually called America’s Past-Time but why bother with facts when bigotry and lies are available.

Then again maybe he has a point not found directly on top of his head.

Let us take a quick look.

It is a fact that “modern day” baseball was created by a white man and spread throughout America by white men but then again so was football, basketball, the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Emancipation Proclamation.

These men are all dead but if they were here, rather than kneel, I’d ask them to take a bow.

Now we could run down the false narrative/rabbit hole that this “country was built on the backs of blacks” and “it’s time for reparations” as the UN just stated but to do so we would have to ignore facts like the slavery of white humans (Irish) in America well before the “Afrikan” arrived.

Never mind the small “inconsequential” fact that black humans owned slaves as well.

We’d also have to ignore that almost half of the United States never had black slaves which includes the largest State in America.


By itself, California, is ranked as one of the top ten economies in the world.

Furthermore the War Between the States (nothing Civil about War) crushed the South as death, destruction and Sherman burned everything in their path.

It’s called Reconstruction for a reason and it happened by people of all colors who were FREE.

America wasn’t built on the “backs of blacks”.

It was built by the Individual.

Individual humans who bigots like to call Whites, Blacks, Browns, and Blues with Purple Polka Dots if you so choose.

Some will disagree but this is irrelevant as no humans from this time period still exist.

One does not get credit or blame for the actions of others, past or present.

Ignorance, or the ignoring of facts, comes in every color, gender, sexual preference, etc.

The latest propaganda we are being fed is that kneeling at the playing of the national anthem is about black humans being shot by law enforcement.

This is false.

Hands up don’t shoot was and is still a lie.

Michael Brown was a criminal with an extensive record who robbed and assaulted a store owner before attacking a police officer who then shot and killed him…in self-defense.

As I am tired and disgusted by the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton, who marched the mothers of dead criminals onto the podium at their convention, I will say this.

Those neighborhoods are better and safer places to be without those abusive thugs.

Get it? Got it? GOOD!

Furthermore standing up on that stage playing the victim was and is pathetic.

Michael Brown and others weren’t born criminals.

They were babies that were ignored, abused, and egregiously shorted on love and discipline…by the women on that stage.

Where hugs were needed drugs were heeded and they became detriments to society.

Forty years of “programs” and crushing illegal “immigration” has ruined the “inner” communities.

The “ghettos” are filled with drugs, prostitution, child abuse, and according to Obama, humans that look like him.

That he ever said those words is “deplorable” but then again what difference does it make?

Barack Obama is and has been a parasite to the black, brown and white communities and after eight years things are worse for those that look like him…and those that don’t.

I digress.

This isn’t a “rant” against Obama.  This is information and an explanation, on how many in the black communities, especially athletes, are getting sucked into Islam and I’ll bet most of them have no idea.

In the sixties through “black liberation” and “black theology” Islam, specifically Sunni Islam, crept into the homes of many Black Americans.

While Martin chose Jesus and a dream, Malcolm chose Mohammed and a nightmare.

While the rest of America moved towards the seventies and eighties, voices began to surface, calling for the killing of the white devil and death to America.

White Guilt emerged and programs like Affirmative Action began to allow the indoctrination of hate into our colleges and universities while Ebonics celebrated illiteracy.

Although Americans were attacked by Iranians most didn’t understand Islam and those that did were okay with Americans not liking Iran because Iran was predominately Shiite not Sunni.

As the eighties and go go nineties roared on, the immigration policies, changed by the Democrats (Ted Kennedy) were taken advantage of by the Clintons who opened up a personally profitable relationship with Saudi Arabia that has continued to this day through the Clinton Foundation and has only been slightly curtailed, by Obama favoring Iran (Shiite), and pseudo investigations by the hapless or possibly/probably complicit Republican controlled Congress.

While all this shifting and fighting was taking place Democratic groups like ACORN were created to take advantage of our electoral system that is suppose to be about reliability and transparency.

Our elections have neither today.

As in all times in human history, when moral shifts to the downside happen, it is the children, the weak and the poor who suffer the most.

While the ghettos collapsed, black Americans fled and continue to flee searching for the same things every human requires.

Water, food, shelter, security, and to belong.

Those that couldn’t or didn’t are now trapped in a circular or cyclical feedback loop that virtually guarantees the failure of those in these situations.

This has been going on for forty years and Islam is now rooted in many of these communities with many not even realizing they are being used as pawns.

This has been further exacerbated by the immigration pattern/policy of the politicians in the Boomer Generation (Clinton and Bush) and Barack Obama over his last eight years.

I would like to point out, so far, every professional or college athlete that I have seen that has knelt, except for a female soccer player, has been black.

They’ve told themselves and others it is about “police shootings” but it wasn’t in the beginning and it isn’t now.

More white Americans are killed by law enforcement every year.

More black Americans are killed by other black Americans than police every year.

More blacks die from drugs and car accidents than police shootings.

Of course to those who won’t gather facts this doesn’t sound right.

Most Americans think they hear on television every day another black man was shot…for no reason.

This is absolutely false and a narrative that is working quite well for groups like the Nation of Islam, CAIR, and even La Raza who uses different “opportunities” to take advantage of falsehoods while stating they care about “people of color”.

It’s basically the Crips and the Bloods but rather than flying colors like blue and red they have embraced different forms of the crescent moon.

Now everything I just stated is true and verifiable but some will still not want to do the research or simply don’t want to believe that Islam is involved.

Prove it Jason.  Everything you just said is circumstantial or subjective.


Black Lies Matter endorsed the Palestinian Authority.

They endorsed HAMAS, an Islamic Sunni terrorist organization that also takes money from Iran.

Every time a knee is taken those players, knowingly or not, are endorsing Sharia Law and the executions of apostates and infidels.

They are approving of the subjugation of women, the murder of homosexuals and insanely enough themselves, if they aren’t Muslim.

From a historical perspective they are also approving of the Nazis as the Muslims fought with the Germans.

The same Nazis that referred to humans with brown or black skin as “mud people”.

In essence every time they kneel they are championing bigotry.

Every time they kneel they are spitting on Martin and praising Mohammed.

Every time these teams allow this behavior they are spitting in the face of our troops in harms way.

With that said I want to point out something NONE of the media is talking about.

The overwhelming majority of black athletes are standing at attention and many with hands over their hearts.

If the media is going to continue to spend time listening to athletes, how about we focus on the cream…not the crap.

Jason Kraus

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