While America focused on how much air should be in an NFL football and Kanye West being bleeped off stage at the Billboard Awards, the Republican Party joined with Barack Obama to cost America more jobs through more “free trade” (Trans Pacific Partnership) with countries who continue to oppress their […]
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Ring of Fire
If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around does it make any noise? I remember hearing this question as a young person. I was fascinated by the idea of action-reaction or action-consequence, depending on your taste. I’ve watched and heard many trees fall. When I was […]
The only cure for politicians is Chemotherapy
Although I have written and spoken about this quite a bit I have been trying to write another article on the abolishing of income tax and the benefits it will generate to not only the American worker but to American companies and eventually free societies everywhere as the individual has […]
When politicians haven’t any answers…it’s time to stop asking questions.
I was asked recently…”when are you running for President?” I am not “running” for President. I am offering to serve America. I will do so with ferocity and humility but trust me when I say there will be no “running” before, during, or after. America doesn’t “run”. We ROAR!!! Do […]
Do not open that door!!!
What a fascinating time in the world. Sometimes it feels as though I am watching a horror flick where the music becomes darker and the actor starts to turn a handle on a door that you know they shouldn’t be opening. Some people will scream at the TV, “NO! Do […]
Google, Story Connection TV…and the Tom Sullivan Show
To whom much is given much is expected. I was given the gift of being born an American and blessed with two parents who loved me. Much was given. Much is expected. On Monday I sat with and was interviewed by a lovely woman (Danna Dennis Wilberg)and her talented crew […]
Human Trafficking, Selfie Sticks, a Coke and a Smile
I refer to it as the 80 -20 rule. Eighty percent of you agree with what I am saying on a regular basis. You are strong, fearless, and knowledgeable of what is happening in today’s society and around the world. You offer support, respectful insight, and information while spreading our […]
A letter from America
I really enjoy hearing from all of you. The numbers are now so large it is hard to respond to everyone. But I hear you and many of your letters, notes, or comments turn into the next column or provide me with an even greater relationship with my American Brothers […]
Jerry, Barack, and the Force
Happy Sunday and welcome to “This is America 2015!” Jerry Brown recently told Californians to take shorter showers in regards to the “drought” (see poor planning and over-population) happening across the Golden State. At the same time he made this proclamation the local water district in my neck of the […]
Definition of Insanity
While Obama was lying to us (again) about…(does it really matter what the subject is anymore), we found out Lois Lerner will not be prosecuted, Hillary “probably” broke the law according to a Republican Senator (insert laughter here), and a pizza place in Indiana that has never done catering decided […]