Senators ask Mattis for more information on Niger attack

FAN Editor

After meeting separately with Secretary of Defense James Mattis, both Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain said the military should do more to keep members of Congress aware of its counterterrorism operations around the world. Sen. Graham told reporters that one of the open questions surrounding the ambush in Niger, […]

4 Tax Credits You’re Missing

FAN Editor

Cutting your tax liability is an art. It requires creativity, commitment, and a long-term vision. Continue Reading Below Here’s a quick story to show you what I mean. Near the turn of the 20th century, a French postman named Ferdinand Cheval started collecting stones along his delivery route. Over the […]

Hawaii judge extends prohibition on Trump’s travel ban

FAN Editor

The federal judge in Hawaii who stopped President Donald Trump’s travel ban from taking effect this week has extended the order. U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson on Friday converted the temporary restraining order to a preliminary injunction. The ban was was announced in September. It applied to travelers from Chad, […]