Volkswagen managers’ offices searched amid pay probe

FAN Editor

BERLIN –  Investigators have searched the offices of two senior Volkswagen executives and the company’s influential employee council chief in an operation apparently related to a probe of pay for employee representatives. Continue Reading Below News agency dpa reported Wednesday that Volkswagen confirmed the offices of personnel chief Karlheinz Blessing […]

Rohingya crisis draws Tillerson to Myanmar

FAN Editor

NAYPYITAW — U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was in Myanmar on Wednesday to meet with leader Aung San Suu Kyi amid a crisis in the country’s west that has seen hundreds of thousands of Muslim Rohingya flee to Bangladesh. Suu Kyi’s office confirmed that Tillerson would meet with her […]

With Mugabe in custody, Zimbabwe’s military denies coup

FAN Editor

HARARE, Zimbabwe — Zimbabwe’s army said Wednesday it has President Robert Mugabe and his wife in custody and is securing government offices and patrolling the capital’s streets following a night of unrest that included a military takeover of the state broadcaster. The night’s action triggered widespread speculation of a coup, […]