America isn’t a village

FAN Moderator

There appears to be three types of voters in these United States.

Our first types are the ones that voted for Obama (the second time), those that voted for Hillary (at any time), and those still willing to vote for a Bush, a Kasich, a McCain, or any Democratic Candidate.

These are called Stupid Voters.

This may seem brutal but sadly it is quite accurate and the longer they are coddled the worse things will get.

They simply don’t have the capacity to learn or the willingness to care.

These are the types that have not, will not, and do not think for themselves.

They aren’t new to society or societies.

They are the ones that benefit from the hard work, creativity, and ingenuity of others.

These types have been around since Clans and Caves.  Sadly they also seem to be the type that procreate like rabbits creating more Woundworts than Bigwigs.

Our second group is made up of those who jumped on the Bernie bandwagon and never got off, those who think Rubio just needs some seasoning, and those still willing to support McConnell and Ryan.

These are the Ignorant Voters.

They have the capacity to learn but for one reason or another are still willing to IGNORE THE FACTS placed in front of them.

They use terminology like ‘he’s a nice guy” or “she’s the lesser of two evils”.

They correctly opine about the national debt and the criminality known as  “immigration” and yet continue to vote for the same individuals who promise to do something about these things while actively make them worse.

The Stupid Voter can be dealt with by having a Press, that provides factual data, as the Stupid Voter will repeat whatever the mantra is that day.

It is the Ignorant Voter that is the real problem and quite dangerous to Freedom.

They waffle back and forth between “fairness” and “equality” while calling themselves Blue Dog Democrats, Progressive Republicans, Compassionate Conservatives, or the new one, Pro-Life Liberals.

They have no moral code or boundaries and are easily swayed through emotional manipulation.  They view life in such an egocentric fashion that they believe their opinions are actually facts and hold the key to “peace on Earth”.

These are the deep thinkers that have come up with communal propaganda like “it takes a village” or “your kids aren’t yours” and stimulus checks.

They are also the bright minds who believe human consumption, specifically in The United States, is warming the planet causing the Earth to die while then trying to bring more humans in and gather them in Sanctuary Cities.

This is a special kind of lunacy.

The third type of voter in America is very easy to understand.

This group voted for Donald Trump because of three issues.

(1) The removal of all illegals.

(2) The repeal of ObamaDoesn’tCare.

(3) Trump wasn’t a Republican or a Democrat and it was very clear the brass in both Parties not only hated him but feared his election.

This group is called Americans.

This group knew “it” was broken and “it” had to be fixed.

This group didn’t run around “hailing Caesar” on bended knee like the Stupid and Ignorant did with Bert & Bernie or Hillary because of her gender.

Hillary would have been better served with “It’s MY time” as a catch phrase rather than I’m with Stupid (Her).

The Americans KNEW the border needed to be shut AND tens of millions needed to be removed.

This group knew ObamaDoesn’tCare was eating away at our systems and had to be removed completely.

This group understood that both Parties were filled with traitors and parasites, and although Trump wasn’t the perfect candidate in the history of the United States, he was the perfect candidate right now.

Someone way outside the box.

Someone who was not beholden to either Party.

Someone who would fight and could win if given the support and chance.

Americans stood up and have given him both and although he isn’t the perfect President he is perfect for where we are in America.

He has at times been crass,  occasionally calloused, and always clear.

If you don’t understand Trump it’s probably because you are “woke” and not awake.

The Stupid will continue to repeat what they hear on the “idiot box” and say things like “we are on the right side of history”.

Histrionics would be more accurate.

The Ignorant are filled with angst and emotion and cannot figure out which side they are on but are willing to follow along with the Americans as long as the stock markets continue higher.

Greed is a powerful force but not stronger than the group known as American.

The Americans will continue to push forward disregarding the daily babble from all news media and support the man who is standing on the hill currently taking the arrows.

The American doesn’t kneel, slobber, or beg for the President to save “them”.

Americans put Trump there to do the job that needed doing, and as long as he is, Americans will make sure he knows he is appreciated and respected for stepping into the fray.

Furthermore we are ready to stand on that hill with him.

He need only make the call.

Yet the Ignorant reading this now will still not comprehend how powerful the need for Freedom is to the American so let me make it clear.

It has been said millions of times and proven throughout the history of the United States that Her citizens, if need be, will defend Her with their very last breath, but for America to survive and thrive that last breath won’t be coming from the American.

It will be coming from her enemies.

This country has no place for the Ignorant.

Knowledge not education is power.

I strongly suggest you “educated souls” come in from the cold and out of the dark.

The climate is indeed changing and your only hope for survival is to get on the Right side.

If you aren’t sure which side that is then take a deep breath as it will be your last.

Your kind of ignorance will find no bliss nor any quarter in these United States.

Sincerely yours,

An American

Jason Kraus

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