We Live For America

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This week I could talk about the sexual predator known as Bernie Sanders who declared himself to be a candidate for President.

I can hear his enablers (supporters) right now.

“What are you talking about Jason?”

The Corn Kernel stated “women fantasize about being raped simultaneously by three different men.”

One can only imagine what this pervert is like at parties.

Actually we don’t need an imagination.

That’s what Meryl Streep’s “God” Harvey Weinstein is for.


Can’t live with em.

Don’t want to.

I could talk about the Bigot Biden who will be in the mix very soon.

His followers won’t even ask.

They’re afraid he’ll put them all “back in chains” especially if they aren’t “clean” or run a 7-Eleven with a slight accent.

Oh it’s just Uncle Joe as they whisper to each other in a warning to keep their children out of his grip.

Then again maybe they don’t care.

We know the Pope doesn’t.

I could talk about the idiot who hired two Nigerians to beat him up and then blamed it on white Trump supporters.

What kind of gender is named Jussie?

Female? Male?

As we are now making up genders how about Pale, Fail, Tale or Bail?

He does enjoy his bleach, is a complete disaster as a human, loves to tell stories and is now out on it.

I could talk about fictional Liberal gibberal like Climate Change, the Earth being flat or that the U.S.A is a Democracy.

We could discuss how neither Party sans President Trump wants the border closed.

It’s true.

The Dems had the opportunity with Barack.

All we got was a Law nobody read, ISIS and ten trillion more in debt.

Thanks Obama!

The RINOS had two years with President Trump.

All they did was lose the House.

It appears Progressivism (Oppression) has infected the country like a bunch of unvaccinated Hondurans or Washingtonians.

What a depressing bunch.

Is it any wonder I never spend time with Liberals?

They live as if today is their last.

No hope, no dreams, no chance for romance, just eat, drink, and fornicate as much as you can until one expires.

Sounds like the Sixties or todays cruise ships.

Americans don’t live as if today is our last.

We live as if today is our FIRST!

We work hard, save our money and are beneficial to others.

We then get up the next day and do it all over again.

We dream, we plan, we grow and we appreciate the incredible gifts that have been bestowed upon us.

We embrace Free Will as the ultimate gift from the Big Fella Upstairs and as Americans we don’t ask for anything else.

God has done enough.

The rest is up to us.

We know that being born an American has given us the greatest home field advantage known to Man and instead of wasting it with booze, pills and debauchery we leap forward excited that every day is a new one filled with opportunities available to those who accept that the only culture we will ever embrace is Freedom and that to do so Personal Responsibility is our ever most present and important decision.

We do not plan our own demise, sell our children’s body parts or pretend to build trains to nowhere.

There is no greater force than the Individual who does the right thing because it is the right thing to do.

We have a name for this. It is known far and wide. It is shared in hallowed halls, well built barns and on street corners not named desire.

It is called American.

God has shed His grace on thee.

It would be wise to embrace that grace.

The measurement of a man or a woman is found in the simple act of love or giving to others without expectation but even love has its limits.

Evil does indeed exist and seems to be found everywhere one looks these days.

It’s found paying others to put a rope around its neck.

It’s found in its allowance of human trafficking to continue to occur.

It’s found in its celebration of the murder of infants.

To help those, who will not help themselves, is not love.

To protect those who molest, rape and kill is decidedly un-American.

The time is now.

Step into the fray.

Understand your role as a citizen of these United States.

Those citizens that have a responsibility to push Freedom Forward regardless of difficulty.

We don’t live as though this is our last day.

We live as though these are our best days and tomorrow will be even better!

Stand with me.

Embrace your place and prepare to ensure that when your story is told it will be told with joy, with purpose and with passion and will never end as we don’t live for the Now.

We live for America.

Jason Kraus



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