As lies continue to plague the greatest nation in the history of Man the unnecessary suffering, and many times death, staggers forward.
Why are humans, in the face of overwhelming evidence, still willing to let strangers inject them with chemicals?
Do some people have to pay the ultimate price before they open their eyes to what has and is really happening?
How much longer will the Adam Smith individual allow the peer pressure and bullying of the communist/government controlled mob to kill their parents, grandparents and children?
I am saddened by those who went along to get along and I am disgusted by those who forced others to kneel and submit.
My hope for the first group is survival and an awakening.
My desire for the second group are trials and executions by booster.
Nevertheless as the horrific “unexplainable” deaths stack up every day across the world, and commercials cover the airways with Covid coercion and threats, an old lie has been grouped with the new jab, and is now moving across the nation.
The old lie is the flu shot, that mainstream”Doctors” across America have said for decades only cover “thirty percent of viruses each new year.”
On its face it has always been ridiculous as though “viruses” have a time clock.
Are you ready Freddy, December is right around the corner. Better fire up Cyrus and let’s get to it!
Furthermore, thirty percent?
What kind of product only works thirty percent of the time?
Could you imagine your car only starting three out of ten turns?
How about your washer and dryer?
At a thirty percent clip you may as well turn those underwear inside out.
The thirty percent condom?
So seven out of ten times you’ll either end up with an STD, a new mouth to feed, or an abortion.
Sounds like a Bill Clinton trifecta.
The “good news” of these old flu shots is we don’t believe they actually killed anyone, then again “Physician error” kills hundreds of thousands every year so anything is possible.
Still, with the assumption the old shots only real benefit was to the pharmaceutical companies bottom line, those with real health concerns followed their physicians advice.
Doing so now may cost you more than you can afford.
Many times I write about things I’ve read or had reported to me.
This next story I personally witnessed and the only reason I am telling it now is to hopefully prevent the suffering or death of others.
An individual with multiple co-morbidities including multiple-myeloma, and in his seventies, received his annual flu shot.
A few hours later he started to not feel well.
Things only worsened from there.
Day One was horrible , followed by the nightmare known as Day Two.
Coughing, difficulty breathing, the shakes which eventually lead to laying in one place for hours on end suffering greatly as the flu shot ravaged his body.
The quote given to me after was this.
“That was as bad as chemo.”
Chemotherapy is bad enough on its face.
Chemotherapy for multiple-myeloma is a special kind of hell and although you don’t know this individual, I do, and for him to say this, is all I need to know about the brutality of the “flu shot” experience.
On day three the infamous Nobel Prize winning horse dewormer known as Ivermectin was taken and I have to admit I had my doubts as the situation looked bleak.
Twelve hours later he was able to sit up and drink some water.
Twenty-four hours later he was up and made soup.
Forty-eight hours later the individual, who not that long ago had appeared close to death, went outside to garden, albeit slowly, as the Ivermectin killed the virus implanted in his body but it didn’t fix his twice broken back.
Two weeks later he is back to normal and stated with a certain ferocity, “I will never get another shot.”
Flu or otherwise.
Life is an individual experience but as Americans we have a responsibility to hold the line when others cower, fade, or line up to be poisoned.
The information I provide is always the truth.
How it is used is up to you.
A message was sent to me about Ivermectin that I will now share.
“Just found a compound pharmacy in Columbia Tennessee. They will take phone orders for Ivermectin and ship to you. They do treatment or preventative. They customize the dose to your weight. It was $60 plus $10 for shipping for 30 and $120 for 60. That will last me 30 weeks if I take 2x weekly. They recommend 2 days a week for preventative. Super nice people. 931-388-3999. You call your order, pay, and they send it to your home. Easy peasy and US based!”
If you call them tell em Falcon Sane said hi.
Jason Kraus