Last week a conversation took place of which I became privy. One individual (let’s call her a cross between Margaret and Marilyn, Thatcher and Monroe) was patiently trying to explain to another individual (let’s call her a combo between Bernie Sanders and nataS) why, despite the ignorance of the media and […]
Yes Liberals…Institutional Racism does exist.
Chris (“thrill up my leg” at the site of Obama) Matthews once stated it was impossible for black humans to be racist because “they” didn’t have the “power”. So many things wrong with this sentence…and that man. But it appears this false premise (lie) has now become part of the […]
When politicians haven’t any answers…it’s time to stop asking questions.
I was asked recently…”when are you running for President?” I am not “running” for President. I am offering to serve America. I will do so with ferocity and humility but trust me when I say there will be no “running” before, during, or after. America doesn’t “run”. We ROAR!!! Do […]