We need a bigger basket

FAN Moderator

Sadly we keep hearing the same two things over and over from the politicians, radio talk show squawkers, television talking heads and of course the incredible intelligentsia known as the American Media. (1) America is a Democracy. (2) Taking a knee or saying something stupid is a Constitutional Right. No […]

Unless you’d prefer a noose

FAN Moderator

Last Sunday on Meet the Press, former Obama Advisor David Plouffe, called Donald Trump a psychopath. The moderator Chuck Todd (a Clinton supporter/apologist) jumped in and inquired as to the “fairness” of this statement, never mind it was false and certainly unprovable by the likes of Plouffe. Todd asked Plouffe […]

Then they came for me

FAN Moderator

Decades ago as I settled into my seat the college professor began to pass out the syllabus and stated, “You could probably pass this class by just reading the book…but then again.  I am telling you now there will be things on the tests that can only be learned in […]

The Five Phases of Trump

FAN Moderator

Each week I gather as much information as I can pertaining to the happenings in the World. As this takes place ideas or subjects jump out at me that I feel are important to expand upon. This week has been truly bizarre. Seemingly everyday Wikileaks is releasing past Clinton criminality […]

Enough is Enough

FAN Moderator

I was in my early thirties and playing in a rec basketball league.  I like movement, quick cuts, lots of shots, and a clean game. Of course if you bang me around I’m coming back at you twice as hard. (I knew a guy who always played fair until the […]

Trump’s one big problem

FAN Moderator

Let’s just get down to it. If Donald Trump is elected his biggest issue won’t be “building the wall”. That is basic construction, furthermore, America put a man on the moon. We can build a wall. His largest problem won’t be deporting tens of millions of humans here illegally. By […]

Why do you Matter?

FAN Moderator

For those of you who’ve read Late Bird you will recognize Trinity County and Del Loma, California. For those of you who haven’t, Del Loma, California is a tiny town (population 30) in Trinity County adjacent to the better known County of Humboldt (those of you unfamiliar with Humboldt County…good […]

Eat Your Dirty Laundry

FAN Moderator

“I make my living off the evening news Just give me something Something I can use People love it when you lose They love dirty laundry” For those of you who enjoy the music of the Eighties you may recognize the writing of Don Henley and his hit song Dirty […]

Obama hasn’t a clue about the QuEUe

FAN Moderator

One morning, as a young boy, my brother and I were standing outside a small store awaiting the exit of our father, who was inside finishing up some business with a client.  After a few minutes we began to look for something to do.  One of us noticed a bottle […]

What am I going to do for you?

FAN Moderator

A conversation took place a while ago. If you get elected what are you going to do for me? My answer was simple. I’m not going to do anything for you. You are going to do for you! If elected I am going to go to DC and stop the […]