3 Growth Stocks to Buy and Hold for 25 Years

FAN Editor

It’s hard to argue with buy-and-hold investing. The low-stress investment strategy is a great way to watch your money grow, as long as you pick companies with promising futures ahead of them. While you should always monitor your holdings, approaching your investments with a long-term mindset can help you look […]

6 Frequently Asked 401(k) Questions

FAN Editor

The 401(k) is one of the best retirement savings tools available to workers today. And with 79% of U.S. employees having access to a 401(k), participating is a great way for most adults to grow their nest eggs. Here are a few basic things you should know. Continue Reading Below […]

How to Invest in Shipping

FAN Editor

If you ask me how to invest in shipping stocks, I have to reply: Why? Continue Reading Below Seriously, folks. There’s a reason we call the shipping sector the place “where money goes to die,” and it’s not because shipping is a great place for investment. To cite one (extreme) […]