Freedom is too important.

FAN Moderator

I have a friend who likes to gamble. We used to have that in common. Don’t get me wrong.  I still like to gamble once in a while. I just don’t like to lose…so I’ve stopped. Needless to say when we did find ourselves in Reno, Tahoe, or Vegas, we’d […]

Fed Hike, Hussein, and the madness of it all

FAN Moderator

After listening to Janet Yellin drone on about things anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows are false I have to finally tip my hat to one Barack Hussein Obama. That man can really read the words of others well!  It’s an impressive feat to watch him speak.  It appears […]

Lies, Damn Lies, and Gruber

FAN Moderator

It is truly an amazing thing when the human animal ignores its instincts. I read a theory one time pertaining to the fact that in the blink of an eye our brain/instincts give us every piece of important information about the situation in front of us. I completely agree. It […]

History, Capone, and Sharia Law

FAN Moderator

We live in interesting times…and when I say interesting I mean dangerous.  World War III via proxy has already started.  On one side Russia, Iran, and a “flexible” Obama.  On the other, most of the American people, Israel, and eventually Europe and England when they arrive at the conclusion that […]

The Call of the American

FAN Moderator

His father rarely slept.  The family business, especially during the spring/summer months, was the time money needing to be made to hold them over during the winter happened.  As the father fell asleep in his chair in front of the television his son approached, cautiously.  Startling his dad at anytime […]

Larry, Moe, and Curly

FAN Moderator

Lie to me once, shame on you. Lie to me twice, I’m an idiot for ever asking you a second question. After you’ve lied to me once you’ve lost all credibility with me. It doesn’t matter what you say after that. You’ve  become irrelevant. Not everyone is with me yet? […]

Dowd, Axelrod, and Obama

FAN Moderator

Interesting excerpts from a book written by another of Barack Obama’s “friends” (David Axelrod) are being released. Very few show him in a flattering manner. Friends like these…it makes one wonder. Poor choices by Obama or rats leaving the ship as fast as they can, trying to get out in […]

The Choice is yours.

FAN Moderator

Some comments were made by a few “admirers” in the past week. I have to paraphrase because my brain refuses to spell words incorrectly while also ignoring spell check. It is a certain kind of “special” to whom much is given and yet nothing is returned. “You be preaching lies” […]

“Imagine a place where anything is possible”

FAN Moderator

Whispered, as though a secret, a phrase crossed my path today. “Imagine a place where anything is possible”. I just smiled. Imagination not required. There is such a place. A dream made possible, by the gift of free will from above, and a legacy of freedom within. Where fierce individualism […]

ISIS and the “Christian Crusades”

FAN Moderator

Barack Obama believes in a “fair” society. In purporting his belief he “balances” out ISIS (or ISIL…he always has to be different) with the “Christian Crusades”. Wow and wow. That’s quite a distance (centuries)  to travel in the justification of behavior. I’m not going to challenge whether his statement is […]