FactChecking Trump’s Interview with Carlson

FAN Moderator

In lieu of joining his fellow Republican presidential candidates in the Aug. 23 debate, former President Donald Trump granted an interview to former Fox News host Tucker Carlson — who posted it to X minutes before the debate began. Trump made several familiar false and misleading claims. Trump continued to […]

FactChecking the First GOP Debate

FAN Moderator

Summary We found false and misleading claims on abortion, crime, climate change and more. Several candidates claimed that Democrats support allowing abortions “up to the moment of birth,” but what Democrats support is an exception for bans on abortion after fetal viability if the mother’s health is at risk. Former […]

Biden Cherry-Picks Unemployment Record

FAN Moderator

In recent speeches touting so-called Bidenomics, President Joe Biden has repeatedly cited the statistic that “unemployment has been below 4% for the longest stretch in over 50 years.” It’s true, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, that the unemployment rate has been below that threshold for the last 18 […]

Q&A on Trump’s Georgia Indictment

FAN Moderator

For the fourth time in a little more than four months, former President Donald Trump was indicted. This time, it’s by a special state grand jury in Georgia that alleges Trump and 18 co-defendants “refused to accept that Trump lost” the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden and conspired “to […]