What We Know About the Brooklyn Synagogue Tunnel

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Para leer en español, vea esta traducción de Google Translate. Quick Take Nine men were charged with criminal mischief or attempted criminal mischief and other offenses after New York officials ordered an unauthorized tunnel built adjacent to a Brooklyn synagogue be stabilized. Viral posts made baseless claims that the tunnel […]

FactChecking Trump’s Iowa Town Hall

FAN Moderator

Para leer en español, vea esta traducción de Google Translate. Summary While his GOP primary rivals were debating on CNN on Jan. 10, former President Donald Trump took questions from Iowans in a town hall that aired on Fox News. We found several false and misleading statements: Trump falsely claimed that his […]

FactChecking the Haley-DeSantis GOP Debate

FAN Moderator

Summary There were several disputes between Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the fifth Republican primary debate, the first of the 2024 election cycle to include only two candidates. We refereed some of those arguments and […]

Fight Right Inc.

FAN Moderator

Political leanings: Republican/Pro-Ron DeSantis 2022 total spending: N/A Fight Right Inc. is the newest political action committee trying to help Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis win the Republican nomination for president. The super PAC filed with the Federal Election Commission in November, and a nonprofit by the same name registered in […]

Kimmel Not Named in Unsealed Epstein Documents

FAN Moderator

Para leer en español, vea esta traducción de Google Translate. Quick Take Court documents that include names of people associated with accused sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein are being unsealed, but late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel has not been implicated. The suggestion that Kimmel would be among the names came from football player […]