Biden Exaggerates Science on Burn Pits and Brain Cancer

FAN Moderator

Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden claimed without evidence that “more people are coming home from Iraq with brain cancer” than “any other war.” He also suggested that burn pits — open air waste incineration sites — are behind the purported increase. Existing statistics do not indicate […]

Trump’s Letter to Pelosi, Annotated

FAN Moderator

On the eve of a House vote on two articles of impeachment, President Donald Trump sent a six-page letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, claiming the impeachment “represents an unprecedented and unconstitutional abuse of power.” We annotated the Dec. 17 letter, providing brief summaries and links to more information for […]

Meme Politicizes Progressive Insurance

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Quick Take An outdated meme circulating on Facebook claims that Progressive, the insurance company, “is owned by Peter Lewis who donates millions” to the Democratic Party and left-leaning organizations. But Lewis died in 2013. Full Story A meme politicizing an insurance company has been circulating widely on Facebook recently, but […]

Pelosi’s Bipartisanship Boast

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others have been pushing back at Republican complaints of a “do-nothing Congress” by claiming the Democratic-controlled House has passed “more than 275 bipartisan bills” that are being blocked in the Republican-controlled Senate. But that list includes bills with as few as one Republican vote. A […]

Dubious Quote Attributed to Trump’s Mother

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Quick Take There’s no evidence for a meme that quotes President Donald Trump’s late mother as once making a disparaging remark about her son and predicting he would not do well in politics. Full Story  A meme posted repeatedly on Facebook in recent days attributes a supposed quote about President […]

Trump Renews Unfounded Claim on Debate Mic

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President Donald Trump wrongly claimed the Commission on Presidential Debates was “forced to publicly apologize for modulating” his microphone in the first 2016 general election debate. The bipartisan commission did not apologize for any willful tampering, but acknowledged “there were issues regarding Donald Trump’s audio that affected the sound level […]

Meme Makes Flawed Obama, Trump Comparison

FAN Moderator

Quick Take Facebook users are recirculating a meme from May that makes misleading economic comparisons between Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump. The meme includes inaccurate or selective information about Obama’s record on jobs and economic growth. Full Story In May, Tea Party Patriots Action, a conservative nonprofit organization, posted […]