Whether we refer to it as the eyeball test or Malcolm Gladwell’s theory covered in his book Blink (our brain gives us all the info we need in most situations in the blink of an eye) the message is the same. Listen to what your body tells you. Too many […]
Chris Matthews
14th Amendment
Recently I listened to Chris Matthews of MSNBC state “the Democrats want the border open for the votes and the Republicans want it open for the cheap labor”. Chris Matthews has said many things that are wrong but on this one he is absolutely correct…and everyone knows it. When I […]
Yes Liberals…Institutional Racism does exist.
Chris (“thrill up my leg” at the site of Obama) Matthews once stated it was impossible for black humans to be racist because “they” didn’t have the “power”. So many things wrong with this sentence…and that man. But it appears this false premise (lie) has now become part of the […]