A shopping center heavily damaged following an earthquake in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia September 28, 2018 in this handout photo made available by Antara Foto. Antara Foto/BNBP/ via REUTERS
September 29, 2018
JAKARTA (Reuters) – At least 30 people were killed in the bay city of Palu in Indonesia’s Sulawesi island, a hospital official told Metro TV on Saturday, after the area was hit by strong earthquakes and a tsunami a day earlier.
In a video that appeared to be taken at night, doctor Komang Adi Sujendra said 30 people were killed and had been taken to the hospital where he was, adding that another 12 injured needed orthopedic surgery.
Authorities were having difficulties coordinating rescue efforts as the 7.5 magnitude quake caused a power outage that cut communications around Palu and the nearby fishing town of Donggala, the closest to the epicentre of the quake 27 km (17 miles) away.
Officials had not yet provided any new information on the death toll on Saturday, but on Friday night they said initial reports showed some dead victims in the rubble of collapsing buildings.
(Reporting by Gayatri Suroyo; Editing by Sandra Maler)