Leadership by moral default

FAN Moderator

Over the last few years I’d stopped watching the State of the Union address. Listening to a man reading words written by someone else was uninspiring. Never mind the distortion, disinformation, and dishonesty.

But even if I was willing to go with Obama’s facts (I know…an oxymoron. No Obama supporters I didn’t call him a moron. Break out the dictionary) I was saddened by his tone. Not surprised, or even angry. By now we should know what we have in this man. If it walks and talks…you know the rest.

Sad, because of the incredible opportunity he has had for the last six years. Any moral human being would have made so many different choices. Even a decent person with horrible aim will hit the target once in a while.

It makes one wonder.

I cannot think of one thing he has done to benefit the poor. Not one.

Increasing welfare/food stamps? This actually hurts the poor.

Raising taxes on everything imaginable hurts the poor more than the wealthy. The wealthy simply cut back when necessary lessening their consumption. Consumption (and debt) is the driving force for our economy. It shouldn’t be but this is the system in place right now. When you lessen consumption you slow job growth which creates, yep you guessed it, less jobs.

Forcing poor people to purchase health “insurance” that they cannot afford? What are they insuring? Right now if they go to the emergency room they are given care for free…whether they are a citizen or not.

Allowing and encouraging the inflow of illegal aliens? The overwhelming majority migrate to the “poor” communities. Crime increases in these neighborhoods as “third world” problems are brought to America. Drugs, gangs, slavery (sorry, let me politically correct that for you) “human trafficking” are all on the rise in America. We know for a fact every day the border isn’t shut women and children are being beaten, raped, sold, and murdered.

Why does he not care? Are the women the wrong gender? Do the children not matter because they don’t “look like his son if he had one?”

We hear from him when a street thug attacks a police officer (racism) but he is silent when political cartoonists are murdered at their place of business. He has plenty of time for Iran and Al Sharpton but none for Israel or Andrew Tahmooressi.

Last night as he continued I kept hearing “America is better now than we were before I arrived”. “We are better because of the things we’ve done”.

We really means “me”.

“America is better because of me. It’s what I’ve done that saved the planet from destruction! Now listen to me you stupid people. Don’t worry about the almost doubling of the debt or the lowest participation rate of American workers ever (please liberals don’t talk to me about the retiring Boomers). Those things don’t matter. And don’t worry about bombs going off in Boston, “workplace violence” at Fort Hood, or be-headings around the world…ssshhh! If I don’t talk about it then it didn’t happen in Oklahoma. No no silly people. Our biggest problem aside from you losing me in two years is…climate change!”

Truly, truly sad.

But what stuck out the most was the boasting.

Those that can…do.

We don’t talk about it. We get things done.

Those that can’t…brag.

How many times have you heard someone telling you how tough they are, or how rich they are, or how nice they are to only find out you’ve been talking to a whiny, broke, jerk.

Leaders give credit and take blame. Not the other way around.

Had he stood up there and said “You did this America, and you did that America and we will make sure it continues on” his credibility would have increased.

His facts would still be wrong but everyone likes a pat on the back.

That’s what leaders do. Give credit, inspire, make the tough calls.

They don’t announce they won’t be running again and then make a snarky “I won” comment to the crowd.

Was the applause from the Republicans childish when he made his announcement? Yes…and then he jumped in the pool with them yelling cannonball.

This kind of leadership is found in Pakistan.

It’s not suppose to be found in America.

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