Larry Kudlow: Under this progressive government, nothing has gone right

FAN Editor

I have long thought one of the most important midterm election themes for the Republicans is to remind voters of the need for checks and balances to stop a far-left Democratic Party from literally running away with the country. 

We’ve seen what Democrat control of both houses of Congress and the White House has done. We’ve seen how the far-left socialists such as AOC and her squad, Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Elizabeth Warren have become the big tail wagging the Democratic dog. 

Joe Biden ran as a moderate (sort of), but he and his staff kowtow to the radical progressive left. Senator Chuck Schumer has always been freaked out about being primaried by AOC. He was always a liberal, but now he’s a much worse liberal. Ditto for Speaker Nancy Pelosi. 


Joe Biden

President Joe Biden speaks about the Paycheck Protection Program during an event in the South Court Auditorium on the White House campus, Monday, Feb. 22, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) (AP Photo/Evan Vucci / AP Newsroom)

With great interest, we’ve all watched this internal Democratic Party debate between the left and the far left. The far left is winning and that is why the electorate needs to restore some sanity by electing Republican majorities in the Senate and the House. It’s a key argument. Republicans should use it more in the closing weeks. 

We watched this big-government socialist crowd take a non-inflationary boom and turn it into a high-inflation bust. We watched interest rates shoot up and stock prices go down. 

We watched them open the border with catastrophic consequences—lawlessness, fentanyl drug trafficking, sex trafficking and the destruction of border towns throughout the southwest. We watched them attempt to cancel our culture, deny parents power in schooling and deny the Declaration of Independence and Constitution as they rewrite history. We watched them support soft-on-crime prosecutors who favor criminals over victims. 

We’ve seen them go hat in hand begging to our enemies as they attempt to destroy our best-in-the-world fossil fuel system, ban gasoline-powered cars, jack up electricity prices, hire communist-educated bank regulators and catastrophically embarrass American global standing by fleeing from Afghanistan. 

Essentially, under this progressive government, nothing has gone right. Almost everything has gone wrong. That’s what we’ve gotten from three-house governance by the Democrats in Washington. I would think common-sense voters of all political stripes would want to put a stop to this. Create legislative checks and balances. The Wall Street Journal editorial today correctly points out that this gang that can’t shoot straight still wants to end the filibuster, deny right to worker choice and spend even more (spend much more), tax more (tax much more) and regulate more, much more. 


If they haven’t completely buried the economy over the past 20 months, two more years of this will do it. This will be an inflation election and a recession election. This will be a crime election. This will be a border election. This will be a parenting election, but, in some sense above all, this must be a “stop the bad stuff” election, a “check on the left” election. 

 Ultimately, conservative capture of the White House will be necessary to straighten this country out and make it great again, but a “checks and balances” GOP message in the midterms would be a very good head start. The cavalry is coming. 

This article is adapted from Larry Kudlow’s opening commentary on the September 19, 2022, edition of “Kudlow.”

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