Crazy never takes a day off

FAN Moderator

When I sit down to write I have a theme or an idea in mind.  This week the world seemed to have jumped from one event to another faster than normal. Maybe it’s just the sporadic and emotionally unbalanced way the Liberal Press decided to cover (selectively) current events. With […]


FAN Moderator

Humans love to repeat thoughts or ideas regardless of truth, reliability, or even validity. One such statement we hear constantly is Democracy is messy.  The implication is because Democracy is “messy” this makes it valid and/or reliable. This is of course false. Democracy isn’t messy.  It flows very cleanly from […]

Let that gift be you

FAN Moderator

Growing up in the seventies and eighties one of the more common sayings was “if you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing at all.” Not only was this a wonderful lesson in self-control it also helped to keep the disease known as gossip under wraps. That was then, […]

America isn’t a village

FAN Moderator

There appears to be three types of voters in these United States. Our first types are the ones that voted for Obama (the second time), those that voted for Hillary (at any time), and those still willing to vote for a Bush, a Kasich, a McCain, or any Democratic Candidate. […]

No Permission Needed

FAN Moderator

The survival of the human is a very simple thing to understand. Water, food, shelter, security. In that order. With water, food, and shelter handled security becomes the most important survival factor. Before men like Samuel Colt created weapons that could deal with multiple or larger attackers, most men and […]

Hammers Required

FAN Moderator

My life has always been pretty simple in regards to those who like to run their mouths or give me unsolicited advice. When something is said that I don’t like I tell the person to stop. If they do it again I invite them to deal with this issue in […]