Recently I was asked what I thought America would look like in ten years. The inquiry caught me by surprise as most aren’t thinking beyond their next Bill Gates McDonald’s French fries or fourteen hundred calorie Starbucks “coffee” brought to them by the gun/cop hating Howard Schultz. With that said […]
Free America Network
Happy Birthday America
“Freedom (Noun): To ask nothing. To expect nothing. To depend on nothing.” With the beginning of recorded time we know most humans have taken the path of least resistance, the road most traveled, regardless of outcome. From the Buddha to Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, through Jesus, Shakespeare and Adam Smith, […]
Sadly Some Already Have
Currently the United States government is approximately thirty-trillion in debt. This does not include promises to repay Social Security or Medicare which some equate to hundreds of trillions of dollars. What does the current group of politicians think the next move should be? Yes, more debt. The increase of this […]
Go To Work
Ahh progressives, what a collection of fecal matter. The price of gas is soaring, oil production has been suppressed in America, and boosted in Russia and Iran, by a doddering corrupt fool who continues to line his own pockets at the expense of freedom and what do the liberals do? […]
Three weeks ago Americans were told that the greatest threat to the planet was the “White Male”. Recently the bigots changed their minds and announced that Global Warming is back as the number one global killer. Next week we will be told that all White men, whose skin has darkened […]
Awaiting the Reckoning
One cannot turn on the television, radio or peruse the internet without mention of “The Big Lie” followed by the slander of Donald Trump. I don’t know whether President Trump will get a second bite of the apple but if he does I hope by now he has realized “mean […]
From a Place You Will Not See. . .Comes a Sound You Will Not Hear
The headlines presented this week from the propaganda, err, media were laughable without the comedic break. Comparable to watching Saturday Night Jive. Speaking of a walking joke Lebron Farrakhan James stated that an accused rapist/convicted felon who held a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach while threatening to murder her […]
Just Tell Em the Truth
Recently I read an article titled “When did the left accept racism?” It’s technically bigotry but when have they not? Hamas, La Raza, BLM, Antifa, Liberals, Nation of Islam, Anti-Semites/Self-Hating Jews, Progressives and Democrats, otherwise known as the “left” believe in one thing. Oppression. It’s difficult for me to comprehend […]
Welcome Back to the Seventies: Stupid is as Stupid Does
This week in America the Attorney General of these United States stated the greatest threat to American Democracy is White Supremacy. This is the same guy a click away from the Supreme Court. You’d think he’d at least know the difference between a Republic and a Democracy but alas this […]
Obesity and Vaccines: The New Body Positive
The chances of catching The Rona/ChinaVirus/Covid-19 over the last year are the same as catching one of billions of viruses always circulating. These viruses are referred to as the Flu. According to the Mayo Clinic, some of these most at risk from the Flu, are listed below. Residents of nursing […]