Adam Schiff and George Soros Not In-Laws

FAN Moderator

Q: Is Rep. Adam Schiff’s sister married to the son of George Soros? A: No. The congressman doesn’t even have a sister. FULL QUESTION Was Adam Schiff’s sister Melissa married to George Soros’ son Robert? FULL ANSWER Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff does not have a sister, and there is no […]

Trump on Britain’s Universal Health Care

FAN Moderator

President Donald Trump tweeted that while Democrats are pushing for universal health care, “thousands of people are marching in the UK because their U[niversal] system is going broke and not working.” But the London demonstrators marched in support of the system and urged the government to better fund it. The […]

Pluto Not Reclassified as a Planet

FAN Moderator

Q: Has the International Astronomical Union reclassified Pluto as a “major planet”?  A: No. That claim was originally published years ago as an April Fool’s joke. FULL ANSWER In 2006, the International Astronomical Union amended the definition of a planet and decided that Pluto qualified as a “dwarf planet” instead. […]

Q&A on the Nunes Memo

FAN Moderator

Lawmakers have made several claims about a controversial memo from House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes. The memo, written by Republican committee staff and released Feb. 2, raises concerns about a court order for electronic surveillance that the Department of Justice and FBI received in 2016 from […]

Trump Overstates Role in Apple’s Plans

FAN Moderator

President Donald Trump claimed that “Apple is investing $350 billion in the United States” over the next five years all because of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. That’s contradicted by Apple’s chief executive officer, who said that “there’s large parts of this that we would have done in any […]

No Logan Act Charges Against John Kerry

FAN Moderator

Q: Is John Kerry facing felony charges under the Logan Act? A: No. The former secretary of state has not been charged.  FULL ANSWER Nobody has ever been convicted under the Logan Act, which bars citizens from negotiating with foreign powers on behalf of the U.S. government. Only two people […]

Video: Black Unemployment Under Trump

FAN Moderator

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews President Donald Trump’s claim that the black unemployment rate is the lowest in recorded history “because of my policies.” While it’s true that the black unemployment rate recently reached its lowest level in decades, the rate has been in steady decline […]

Trump’s Misleading DACA Boast

FAN Moderator

President Donald Trump boasted in his State of the Union address that his legislative proposal to make the DACA program permanent will “generously” cover 1.8 million people — “almost three times more people than the previous administration covered.” That’s a faulty and misleading comparison. The 1.8 million figure represents the number of […]

Pelosi’s ‘Crumbs’ Comment in Context

FAN Moderator

President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence ridiculed House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi for likening $1,000 bonuses paid to some employees as a result of the GOP tax cuts to “crumbs.” Pelosi says the “crumbs” comment was comparing what workers got in the Republican tax bill to the rewards […]

Groundhog Friday, Groundhog Day Edition

FAN Moderator

Politicians often make the same claims over and over again, leaving us fact-checkers empathizing with Bill Murray’s character in that 1993 classic “Groundhog Day.” This week was no different. To highlight the repeats we’ve debunked before, we launched a feature during the 2016 election called “Groundhog Friday.” We’d be remiss […]