Grenfell Tower fire killed 71, police say

FAN Editor

The Grenfell Tower fire killed a total of 71 people, London’s police said on Thursday after recovering and identifying all those believed to have died in the blaze. In June, London’s Metropolitan Police estimated that about 80 people had died in the fire, which started on June 14 just before […]

Sen. Al Franken accused of groping, unwanted kissing

FAN Editor

Last Updated Nov 16, 2017 12:04 PM EST Television host, sports broadcaster and model Leeann Tweeden says that Sen. Al Franken, D-Minnesota, “kissed and groped” her without consent while entertaining troops on a USO Tour in December 2006. Tweeden, a KABC radio news anchor, wrote in a post that among […]

Tipster cabbie says she drove psych hospital escapee

FAN Editor

STOCKTON, Calif. – A strange conversation and a vigilant cabbie are the reasons escaped killer Randall Saito is behind bars Wednesday, reports CBS affiliate KGMB. Yellow Cab told reporters in California that Randall Saito, the “psychopathic” Hawaii State Hospital patient who escaped Sunday morning and flew to California — hours […]