Electoral College affirms Biden’s presidential victory

FAN Editor

body .breaking-news[target-url*=”/video/electoral-college-affirms-joe-biden-2020-presidential-victory/”] { display: none; } Watch CBSN Live President-elect Joe Biden has officially sealed his win after electors certified the 2020 election results on Monday. Nikole Killion reports. Copyright © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. @media (min-width: 1020px) { .video-shelf:not(.video-shelf–with-hero) .item:nth-of-type(1) .item__hed { overflow: hidden; } } […]

Electoral College formalizes President-elect Joe Biden’s win

FAN Editor

The Electoral College formalized President-elect Joe Biden’s victory the same day early voting got underway for the important Senate runoffs in Georgia. CBS News political correspondent Ed O’Keefe and CBSN political reporter Caitlin Huey-Burns join “Red & Blue” for this special episode, “The Road Ahead.” Free America Network Articles

Lawmaker quits GOP over bid to overturn Biden’s win

FAN Editor

A retiring Michigan congressman said Monday he is leaving the Republican Party and becoming an independent to protest his former party’s efforts to overturn President-elect Biden’s victory. Representative Paul Mitchell, of Dryden, is nearing the end of his second and final term. He wrote a letter to Republican National Committee […]