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Transcript for Joe Biden arrives at US Capitol ahead of inauguration
As he’s prepared to walk up those steps. As Roy Blunt who’s the chair of the congressional committee senator Roy Blunt of Missouri including try to chair for the Democrats. On that committee will escort. The president elect. Into the capital hard to believe it was just two weeks ago. The deck capital was under siege those steps were overrun by rioters by domestic terrorists. That was two ensues. Last Wednesday the president outgoing president impeached now the inauguration. Of the incoming president. So dead in an entirely different US capitol today. President flanked by an honor guard of capital please. President elect. They were holding off riders. We’ll be escorted inside now. For emerges on the west front. For the actual ceremony.
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{“duration”:”1:56″,”description”:”The image is in stark contrast to the rioters who stormed the building just two weeks ago.”,”mediaType”:”default”,”section”:”ABCNews/Politics”,”id”:”75371800″,”title”:”Joe Biden arrives at US Capitol ahead of inauguration”,”url”:”/Politics/video/joe-biden-arrives-us-capitol-ahead-inauguration-75371800″}