President-elect Joe Biden called for unity in a deeply divided country ravaged by a deadly pandemic, calling for “this grim era of demonization in America” to come to an end in his first address to the nation since being projected to win the presidency.
“I sought this office to restore the soul of America. To rebuild the backbone of the nation — the middle class. To make America respected around the world again and to unite us here at home,” he told a raucous drive-in crowd in Wilmington, Delaware, Saturday night. “It is the honor of my lifetime that so many millions of Americans have voted for this vision, and now the work of making this vision real is the task of our time.”
Mr. Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris spoke hours after CBS News and other major news organizations projected victory for the Democratic ticket in Pennsylvania, ensuring the majority of Electoral College votes needed to capture the White House. The final projected outcome comes after five days of laborious vote-counting in the Keystone State and elsewhere, and were greeted with jubilation in major American cities, where thousands took to the streets to hail Mr. Biden’s victory.
Meanwhile, President Trump has given no indication that he intends to concede the race anytime soon. His campaign has vowed to continue challenging the results in courts in several states, a longshot effort that has thus far been unsuccessful. A senior campaign official tells CBS News that the president does not plan to concede defeat before he has exhausted all legal options.
Nevertheless, Mr. Biden and Harris are quickly turning their focus to the transition and preparing to take the reins of power in January. On Monday, Mr. Biden plans to unveil a team of scientists and experts tasked with formulating a plan of action for addressing the pandemic after the inauguration, and his team is expected to start unveiling senior-level White House and administration staffing picks in the coming days and weeks.
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