Ignorance will never be blissful

FAN Moderator

Last week a conversation took place of which I became privy.

One individual (let’s call her a cross between Margaret and Marilyn, Thatcher and Monroe) was patiently trying to explain to another individual (let’s call her a combo between Bernie Sanders and nataS) why, despite the ignorance of the media and politicians of both Parties, the United States of America is a Constitutional Republic and not a Democratic Republic .

“But Dan Rather said we are a Democratic Republic and I agree with him.”

Yes you read that right…Dan Rather.

The same Dan Rather who was fired from CBS due to reporting lies about the Bush Administration.

Stunning when you think about it…having to create lies to go after Bush when W supplied so much to prosecute on his own.

According to this “proud progressive”, Dan Rather is the end all be all, when it comes to what kind of country we have.

I guess Brian Williams was unavailable.

Probably busy ducking bullets with Hillary.

Insert disgust here.

Marilyn Thatcher, showing incredible patience, started to explain the difference between a Constitutional Republic and a Democracy.

As I have explained this ad nauseam (for those of you who use the term Latino but don’t speak Latin ad nauseam can be defined as having to explain things to you, over and over again, causing me to retch) over the years, I will keep this short just in case we have any liberals (attention span issues) looking to be educated.

Constitutional Republic:  Protects the Constitutional Rights of the Individual through the Rule of Law. (Freedom)

Democracy:  Majority over Minority or in other words gang mentality. (Oppression)



I digress.

This info was presented to the SS acolyte along with the fact that in referring to the United States as a Democratic Republic, she was ignoring a little thing we AMERICANS like to call:

The Constitution.

Our heroine did a little copy and paste and sent a note to the Progressive puppet.

United States Constitution Article 4, Section 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a REPUBLICAN Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Furthermore it was pointed out to Beelzebub that there are Democratic Republics around the world.

The Democratic Republic of Congo.  (Also known as one of the poorest countries on the the planet.)

The Democratic Republic of Algeria.  (Yes ye of the crescent moon)

The Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. (No more need be said)

If you are reading this, and thinking these are all countries in Africa, you would be correct.

In other words the worst continent to live on in the world.

Some will point to Germany as a Democratic Republic and after some research it appears they call themselves quite a few things including a Democratic Republic.

Sounds about right for the motherland of Karl Marx and Adolph Hitler.

So on one side of the equation we have the teachings and thoughts of Plato, Adam Smith, John Locke, and others, evolving through time, arriving in America through generation after generation of humans, eventually able to construct the ideas of Free Will and Freedom, into a document written by many, including Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.

I can hear the liberals now.  What is this written document of which he speaks and what does Pluto have to do with it?

On the other side of the equation we have destitute countries in Africa, Islam and Marxism (systemic oppression) and Adolph Hitler (Nazism).

Is it any wonder, those of us with a soul, abhor “Progressive Liberals”.

When you or your ignorance decide to choose Karl Marx over James Madison you are an enemy of free people, an enemy of all people, and an enemy of the American People.

“People who are free are never equal.  People who are equal are never free.”

The breakdown of Progressivism (Communism) is in full bloom.

Crushing debt, lack of the rule of law and overt corruption has overtaken the greatest country in the history of man.

When Dan Rather becomes the “go to guy” the jig is up.

The game is over.

It’s simply time to send in the clowns.

The fat lady with the Chairman Mao attire is singing…and she is tone deaf.

It’s time for a brand new band.

A band of Constitutional Republicans known as…Americans.

Jason Kraus



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