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The Me Generation has struck again.

The Clintons, Obama, Loretta Lynch, and James Comey brazenly outlined, in a 72 hour period, that they can do anything they want and nothing will happen.


Bill actually met with Loretta on a tarmac (I hang out on airplane parking lots all the time too) who then feigned ignorance while feeding the imbecilic a story about grand-children (Bill Clinton shouldn’t be allowed in the same State as any child).

Lynch weakly pushed the responsibility to FBI Director Comey (so much for Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity) who then stated quite clearly Hillary had broken many laws (felonies and misdemeanors).

His conclusion: No prosecution because she didn’t mean it.

She did it.

She broke the law but it doesn’t matter because her “intent” wasn’t to harm anyone.

Someone needs to remind him that isn’t his call to make (he isn’t the PROSECUTOR) never mind I didn’t know he could read minds.

James Comey…You are a stupid vile coward who just covered up for a woman who allowed hackers everywhere in the world to read TOP SECRET MATERIAL and many others we will never know about…as you admitted.

I guarantee those emails put human life in danger and the way this is being covered up I would venture someone was killed because of her behavior.

Of course “what difference does it make?”

The Democrats cheered, the Republicans cowered (as usual) while Lady Liberty prepared to put down her torch and pick up an AR-15.

Some have called this strike three for the Clintons.

Strike three?

This isn’t a game and if it were we passed balls and strikes a LONG time ago as the Progressives continue to strike at a Party of Republicans that behave like a bunch of Eunuchs.

Paul Ryan’s response was “we want to talk to the FBI Director.”

Comey’s response: Sure, I’ll be right down.  What are you going to do?  Send me away with my retirement like you did to Lois Lerner?

Ryan’s been harder on Trump (a man who hasn’t cast a vote on anything) than Clinton who we KNOW has broken laws.

How do we know this?

Comey just said so.

I just flashed back to a post written a few weeks ago about a friend who asked me what would happen after Orlando.

I said nothing and I was right.

What’s crazy right now is if I were to refer to Orlando 9 out of 10 would probably think I was talking about Disney World.

San Bernardino?



Go Sawks!

Ladies and Gentlemen please pay attention.

I have an announcement.

The monkeys aren’t running the zoo.

The zoo was sacked a long time ago.

We are in the jungle.

Predators and Prey and if you aren’t sure which one you are…well…the Predators know.

The sheep have gotten fat and lazy and are content chewing their own cud while willing to embrace apathy, obesity, drugs, debt, and the wolves known as CAIR, La Raza, and Democratic Socialism.

There is a stench emitting from the Bubonic plague known as Progressivism.

It is contagious, deadly, and on the rise.

It’s time for the sheep dogs to take a walk and let the wolves thin the herd or better yet it’s time for the sheep dogs to create their own pack and discard the sheep altogether.

In medical terms the sheep have already accepted and approved of their frontal lobotomies.

This cannot be reversed and will only damage the rest of society by allowing the cancer known as Liberalism to survive.

Gangrene has set in and is pervasive in all forms of Government, specifically Washington D.C.

The rotten limb must be amputated lest it spread and devour the rest of us.

Mark Levin likes to say that we are living in a “post constitutional” time.

He is wrong.

This isn’t “post constitutional”.

This is Anti-Constitutional.

It’s Anti-Freedom.

It’s called oppression and just in case you still don’t understand, our biggest problem, isn’t Obama.

Believe it or not.

Our biggest oppressor(s) are the Central Banks around the world.

Free Will is a gift and as I’ve stated many times, Freedom isn’t Free.

The sheep are long gone passing their days in and out of a drunken stupor, inhaling clouds of medical marijuana, and gorging on genetically modified high fructose corn syrup.

Type-Two Diabetes, sobriety, and employment be damned.

The question now is how many Sheep Dogs will lose their lives in order to remain free.

How many good Americans will “get caught up in the switches?”

We need every Sheep Dog left and as this is now a jungle…it’s time to unleash the Lions.

The American Lion to be exact.

The Rule of Law no longer exists.

Stop pretending it does and refrain from verbiage like “civil disobedience”.

There is nothing civil about what is happening or going to happen and disobedience implies that we were obedient in the first place.

Americans aren’t obedient.

We are FREE.

We must return to the basics as we create the Post-Progressive America.

Love God.

Love one another.

Never again turn another cheek.

In God we Trust.

All others pay cash…or you can pay the wolf..but pay you will.

Freedom requires sacrifice.

The wolves can’t handle the Sheep dogs or the Lions.

The sheep can’t handle the wolves.

James Comey just sealed the fate of the sheep.

How many Sheep Dogs are lost depends upon us.

Gather your Pride.

All Lions to the front.

History tells us it won’t be too much longer.

Jason Kraus



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