Now Playing: Sen. John McCain discontinues cancer treatment
Now Playing: Meghan McCain responds to White House aide’s remark about her father
Now Playing: Sen. John McCain dies after long battle with brain cancer
Now Playing: Trump continues to lash out at Attorney General Sessions
Now Playing: Sen. McCain discontinues treatment after yearlong battle with brain cancer
Now Playing: Trump speaks at Ohio Republican Party event amid week of bombshells
Now Playing: Sen. John McCain will discontinue cancer treatments
Now Playing: New developments in the indictment of a California congressman
Now Playing: The Briefing Room: Trump organization CFO granted immunity in Cohen probe
Now Playing: Trump pushes back on Sessions statement
Now Playing: Trump and his AG’s war of words
Now Playing: Longtime Trump CFO granted immunity in Cohen probe
Now Playing: Sen. John McCain to discontinue brain cancer treatment, family says
Now Playing: President Trump takes to Twitter with suggestions for Sessions
Now Playing: Georgia board votes to keep 7 of 9 precincts open
Now Playing: Tensions high after Trump slams Jeff Sessions
Now Playing: National Enquirer CEO granted immunity for information on Cohen
Now Playing: Sessions hits back at Trump: DOJ will not be influenced by ‘political considerations’
Now Playing: FiveThirtyEight House forecast update for August 23, 2018
Now Playing: Duncan Hunter arrives at court amid protests