The easiest ways to get your taxes done if you can’t afford a CPA

FAN Editor

When it comes to filing your taxes, you pretty much have two options. You can pay an accountant to file your taxes for you or do your taxes on your own and send them through the mail or through electronic software.

If paying an accountant isn’t an option financially, here is a step-by-step guide on how to file your taxes. 

The first step is getting all of your paperwork together. To file, you are going to need any W-2 forms from all the employers you had in the last year. You will also need to gather any 1099 forms that you have, if any. These forms are issued for work done independently, according to NewsCore. 


When filing, you’ll need personal information and information about dependents, if applicable.

Based on a tax checklist by H&R Block, if you are or were unemployed, you’ll need your 1099-G form. You will need additional forms if you are self-employed, collecting rental income or have retirement income and/or any investment information. 


According to H&R Block, you will also need to look at the types of deductions for which you qualify. This includes if you own a home, have donated money, have any medical or child care expenses, educational expenses, classroom expenses, retirement savings, etc. Each person’s situation is different, so make sure to check the IRS website and make sure you submit all the necessary information. 

Once you have everything together, you can begin filing. Although it is not the most popular method, you can still fill out your forms the old-fashioned way and send them through the mail to the IRS. The more common and more effective way to file is electronically. There are so many reasons why filing your taxes electronically is a better option, according to Motley Fool.

If you file electronically, there is no chance that your forms will get lost in the mail. Also, the process goes a lot faster when you are filing electronically, which means if you are getting a tax refund, it will arrive sooner.

There’s also a bit more accuracy with electronic filing. If you do make an error, something as simple as misspelling your name or a mistaking a digit of your Social Security number, you will know right away and be able to resubmit. If you file through the mail, you won’t know that you made a mistake until the IRS takes a look at your forms, meaning that there could be a delay in your filing and your refund. According to the IRS, if there is an error in your taxes, it could take more than 120 days to get your tax refund processed.


One of the most popular types of software used to file taxes electronically is TurboTax. This service may not be free depending on how complicated your tax situation is, according to the website. 

If you have a simple tax return, you can file your taxes for free through TurboTax. If your tax return is more complicated, you will not be able to use the free version and will have to pay a fee for the service, depending on the complexity of your tax situation. 

Another option for filing taxes online is by using the IRS Free File tool on the IRS website. You are eligible to use this tool if your adjusted gross income is $73,000 or less, according to the IRS. 

No matter how you choose to file, if you have any questions or get stuck along the way, you will more than likely be able to find an answer on the IRS website. 

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