We are now in full Presidential election bloom.
The Democrats have almost two dozen “contestants” and no real choice.
The Party of Diversity is being lead by Joe Groper Biden, Bernie Gang Rape Sanders, and then depending upon the poll either a Cheekbones Cherokee, Beto I Dream of Running Children Over O’Rourke or Kamala Willie Brown Harris.
They’ve all kissed the ring of Al Death to the Jews Sharpton, called for reparations to occur, and stated that walls are immoral and should be torn down.
One can only imagine if the three stooges known as Omar, Tlaib, and AOC were actually in the race.
Nothing quite like “diversity”.
Lurking behind this pool of grouper is the ultimate rotten fish.
A shark known as Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The Chairman Mao tunic wearing Progressive seems to have finally dealt with her issues of using stairs, or standing without physical support, although I’m sure a vehicle is always available for her to be thrown head first into because at this point “what difference does it make.”
Believe it or not, for the Moo Moo, it may matter.
After watching decades of political races, and entering one myself, there is no doubt, energy is a very important key to winning.
Hair sniffer Biden just doesn’t have it.
If he somehow grabs the nomination (and I don’t think he will) Donald Trump will run over him like a Mack truck.
Sometimes you’re the windshield sometimes you’re the bug.
In Presidential elections Biden has always been the bug.
Bernie Sanders has the energy (hate) but it is doubtful he is a top of the ticket winner.
He also isn’t a registered Democrat and even though laws don’t matter to the Dims they did pass new rules stating their choice must be a Democrat so we shall see how they decide to enforce their hypocrisy.
If the Democratic Party had any sense they would talk Bernie into the VP position. Americans won’t elect him to the top spot but his voters (and they are many) would support whomever, as long as Fantasizing Sanders was on the team.
Sad but true.
Fortunately the combination of Democratic stupidity and Bernie’s desire to feed his fragile ego will probably keep the Communist loving traitor off of the VP list.
Beto O’Rourke is mentally unstable and even the Liberals know this as he falls in the polls. The man flaps his arms more than Icarus and he was crashing into the sea.
Woo woo woo Warren (insert Loretta Sanchez here) is emotionally weak. She is indeed filled with vitriol but virtually cowers in the presence of cameras. She is very comfortable making ridiculous statements while sitting in the Senate but standing on her own two feet and answering questions off the cuff is too much for the beer sipping fraud.
Criminal Harris is dumb and I mean that in the most textbook of ways.
She doesn’t understand economics, education, or excellence. She’s ripped her own family while flip flopping on every subject imaginable. If Harris is the nominee President Trump may eclipse Reagan’s 49.
The Devil to watch here is the Devil we know.
Fish rot from the head down and there is no doubt the stench emanating behind the scenes is coming from the woman who shared her husband with Monica Lewinsky and continues to do so with others.
Unless or until the Democrats bring in a heavy hitting viable candidate, HRC is waiting in the wings, swallowing grouper by the mouthful.
We already know she has the super-delegates.
The real question is will she take Bernie for a long weekend and slap a sticker on his disheveled forehead that says I’m With Her.
Jason Kraus