As a child whenever anyone told me something couldn’t be done it always made me angry. I thought it a cowardly thing to say. Not to mention they were wrong. As a teenager and an adult I cannot remember ever being told I couldn’t accomplish my goal or dream. Maybe […]
Debt, Pimp, and Fruit Loops
When Barack Obama met with “Pimp with a Limp”…we were working. When Obama met with Al Sharpton…we were working. When Obama met with a woman who bathed herself in milk and Fruit Loops…we were working. As stated previously those who’ve been with me for a while know how I feel […]
Roar With Me
I love these United States. I thank the Big Fella Upstairs everyday that I was born in America. It is the greatest home field advantage known to man. So while I am on the planet I demand of myself to always have the American experience. To ROAR! The founders of […]
Leadership by moral default
Over the last few years I’d stopped watching the State of the Union address. Listening to a man reading words written by someone else was uninspiring. Never mind the distortion, disinformation, and dishonesty. But even if I was willing to go with Obama’s facts (I know…an oxymoron. No Obama supporters […]
A bit of History
It’s been said figures don’t lie but liars can figure. Can they? I just finished reading multiple articles about our economy and unemployment. As usual, the writers use numbers given to them by the government. This is unfortunate for many reasons. (1) Almost all numbers coming from the government are […]
America is the dream
We don’t “hope” for things. We never have. We earn. We pray. We say thank you. ‘Hope” used to have a positive connotation. It tells us much about the man who turned it into a punchline…or a four letter word. Yet the American spirit is alive and well! Through crushing […]