Jacobson, Clinical Professor of Law at Cornell Law School and founder of the Legal Insurrection website, founded CriticalRace.org’s sprawling database that has also examined elite K-12 private schools, 500 of America’s top undergraduate programs, medical schools, veterinary schools, military service academies, and now business schools.
The study focused on the U.S. News rankings of the top 10 business schools, with Booth School of Business at University of Chicago, Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania, Sloan School of Management at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, Stanford University, Stephen M. Ross School of Business at University of Michigan, School of Management at Yale University, and Stern School of Business at New York University making the cut for the current school year.
The subjects of mandatory trainings and coursework are worded differently by institution, using terms such as “anti-racism,” “cultural competency,” “DEI,” “equity,” implicit bias/anti-bias,” and CRT, among other terminologies. The study also found that four of the 10 schools have offered materials by left-wing authors Robin DiAngelo or Ibram Kendi, whose books explicitly call for discrimination, according to Jacobson.
Cornell University law professor Bill Jacobson reacts to an article in The New England Journal of Medicine suggesting the racial segregation of medical students on Varney & Co.
Last year, the group uncovered that 58 of the 100 most prestigious medical colleges and universities have some form of mandatory CRT-related student training or coursework.
“The ideological capture of business schools may not be as extensive as in medical schools, but it is still dangerous. We see that corporate Human Resources departments have become advocates of racial preferences in the name of DEI,” Jacobson said. “It is no coincidence that corporations are subjecting employees to the types of race shaming and guilt-by-association training that started on campuses. That rising business leaders are being trained in this ideology is a bad omen for the future of non-discrimination in business.”
Many future business leaders are also taught by people who have been trained in CRT and/or DEI-related practices, as six of the 10 schools mandate training for faculty and staff. CriticalRace.org details the exact curricula and training at each school, along with contact information and an overview of every institution.
Of the 10 schools currently in the business school database, at least seven institutions were found to have some form of initiative exploring the topics of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) or sustainability.
“It is no surprise that ESG goes hand-in-hand with CRT at business schools. While the two doctrines are distinct, each seeks to subvert its host for ideological purposes. In the case of CRT and its offshoots, the purpose is to deconstruct society to replace a constitutional focus on individual rights with a group identity construct. With ESG, the purpose is to replace traditional shareholder economic value with political value. In both cases, it represents an ideological perversion of education,” Jacobson said.
Equal Protection Project founder William Jacobson joined ‘Varney & Co.’ to provide analysis of the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down on affirmative action.
CriticalRace.org previously found that at least 236 colleges or universities of 500 examined have some form of mandatory student training or coursework on ideas related to CRT. Defenses of CRT-associated materials have ranged from outright denying CRT is being taught, to claiming that the underlying ideas are key to creating an inclusive educational environment.
“The Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action ruling, while in the context of school admissions, applies equally to business school programming. The Students for Fair Admissions ruling was at its core an Equal Protection Clause and civil rights ruling. At our related Equal Protection Project we have challenged in just the past few months almost 20 higher education programs that discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity,” Jacobson said. “To the extent business schools engage in such practices, they are on notice that they are violating the law.”
CriticalRace.org is a project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation, a nonprofit devoted to campus free speech and academic freedom, which also runs the Equal Protection Project.
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