Samsung will soon decide when to launch the company’s first foldable phone, the Korea Herald said on Thursday.
“(Samsung) has reviewed the defect caused from substances (that entered the device), and we will reach a conclusion in a couple of days (on the launch),” Samsung’s mobile chief Koh Dong-Jin said, according to the Korea Herald.
Samsung’s Galaxy Fold was sent to tech reviewers ahead of its initial April 26 launch date. But the phone broke for multiple news outlets, including CNBC, during a testing period. Samsung said a hinge that protects the folding display was not protected enough and that it is working to make sure elements can’t touch the screen or get behind it, as appears to have been the case for some broken units.
Some reviewers peeled a plastic layer off the top of the foldable phone, which caused it to break. Samsung is also working on making messaging clearer so that consumers don’t also remove the film.
Samsung said earlier this week that it will automatically cancel all pre-orders if it is unable to ship the phone by May 31 and unless customers express continued interest in buying the phone. Customers aren’t charged until it ships, but the earlier comments had suggested Samsung wasn’t sure when the phone would relaunch.
Read more on the Korea Herald.