One State at a Time

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America is currently broken into specific groups which then splinter from there.

It’s like religion.

Many forms of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.

Roughly five percent of humans in America subscribe to the Liberal mantra which today states that Joe saved Democracy.

The “leaders” of these PT Barnum references want everyone around them to suffer while greedily grabbing everything in sight.

Their intellectual capacity is slightly higher than their acolytes which is why most of them are one issue voters, and that issue is self-loathing, relabeled as defenders of abortion anytime and on demand.

This is their only mantra and they wield it like a drunk swinging a bottle of Jack in the middle of a bar but you can count on one thing for sure.

They vote.

Our second five percent are those who take the exact opposite of the abortion issue.

It doesn’t matter if they agree with everything else, if someone isn’t their type of pro-life, no dice.

Pregnant at sixteen?


Molested by a family member.

Figure it out.

Raped by a stranger.

Shouldn’t have been out after 2:00 am.

I’ve had conversations with this type of person.

I am not exaggerating and with that said, they vote.

The next group comprises of around ten percent.

They flow back and forth dependent upon what has happened in their lives.

They don’t approve of late-term abortions but they also don’t think abortion should be outlawed completely.

They tend to have a live and let live philosophy, “experimented with drugs” in their youth, and occasionally now on the weekends, and because of this don’t really pay attention to their surroundings, schools, local elections, etc.

They are too “busy” watching on average four to six hours of television, on the internet or their phones daily.

This group does vote and provides an explanation as to how America can elect an Obama followed by a Trump.

Our fourth group makes up around thirty-five percent.

This mass of cellular dysfunction never votes, never will.

There is simply too much porn, Minecraft and Tik Tok videos for them to ever care.

Finally our last group is around the forty-five percent size.

This group is incredibly smart, overwhelmingly compassionate, fiercely loyal, knows the difference between a Constitutional Republic and Democracy, and tries to not watch television or listen to the radio because they can feel both slowly crushing their souls.

This is the group that knows Freedom is the American Dream not home ownership.

This is the group that voted for Perot, twice.

This is the group that all neighborhoods want because these Americans require their environments to be clean, safe, and most importantly FREE.

Either a huge majority of this American group moved to Florida OR the Governor and his staff reclaimed their elections from Broward County.

I’m going with the latter as it is statistically improbable a State will improve fifteen percentage points in one election cycle.

Those votes were always there.

If Florida can do it so can you Arizona.

There is no way hiding in her house Hobbs has this much support.

It’s all about Broward County west.

Also known as Maricopa, Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Las Vegas.

There has never been a time in recent memory when an elongated count ever went to the Republican candidate and if the House seats aren’t wrapped up soon the Dems will keep that as well.

The overwhelmingly majority doesn’t want Wokeism.

This, however, doesn’t mean it will stop.

The large majority of Russians and Chinese don’t want Communism and yet it gets stronger everyday.

We’ve just witnessed two election cycles rife with fraud.

Wait until the social credit scores begin.

Oh, that cannot happen here Jason.

Already has.

Jason Kraus

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