A New Jersey Transit (NJT) train lost power Monday night, causing commuters to vent their frustration on social media during rush hour. Officials said the train left New York City’s Penn Station at 6:10 p.m. and got stuck at 6:25 p.m. east of Broad Street station in Newark, New Jersey.
About two hours later, the stalled train was brought to the Broad Street station allowing customers to board another train.
NJT said there were widespread delays across other lines related to the power outage.
Twitter lit up with pictures and videos from inside the packed train, some writing about “huge safety concerns” and “steamed windows” from the lack of ventilation. One person went so far as calling his commute on board a “horror train.”
NJT said emergency services was not dispatched and they have no reports of any arrests. They said nobody ultimately required medical attention.
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