Years ago a comment and compliment was stated about me.
“Jay will take it all the way if he believes he is right but make no mistake he’ll also be the first one through the door.”
Exactly the way it should be.
The only way to have passion and conviction in your belief or beliefs is to always be the first one in.
It’s called Leadership.
Something today’s United States politicians and “thought leaders” are greatly lacking.
It isn’t as though there aren’t moral, strong, and intelligent citizens in America.
They are spread out from “sea to shining sea” and are easily found with values, brilliance and experience, yet few voters seem to actually want these things.
Too many in today’s world hide on the internet or their phones cowering behind fake names while they snipe at people who are actually making a difference, one voice at a time.
Too many think “government” will save them from themselves when in reality history has been very clear.
Government has always succumbed or embraced Tyranny.
The verbiage used by the ignorant magnifies their gross incompetence when terms like Democracies or Republics are used incorrectly, or painted with falsehoods, showing a stunning lack of reality, as though a hashtag makes everything factual.
Scientists, doctors, politicians, and a wide variety of “professionals” have either lied directly to the People and or repeated lies due to a lack of verification.
The process of Science, that all concepts must be challenged, is gone.
The concept of Medicine, to do no harm, is dead.
The reality of the Pursuit of Happiness by the Individual has been crushed by the trifecta of the Damned known as laziness, greed, and fear.
We see steroided men and women online talking about being hard to kill with their spray tans, make-up and a brutal amount of fear in their blood shot eyes.
We listen to a constant barrage of commercials cajoling, manipulating and threatening any and all who refuse to get the jab.
What about you Jason?
I will continue to provide the truth.
I will continue to search for better ways to strengthen by body and stretch my soul so my days are filled with energy, excellence, longevity, and most importantly freedom.
We don’t need to be “hard to kill”.
We need to be filled with joy, grateful to God, and physically able to stomp Oppression out at every turn.
The human who can do this has historically been known as The American, and The American is always the first one through the door, allowing the path to be secured for their children and their children’s children.
Keep your bodies strong and your minds quiet.
Let the noise bother others as you are secure in the fact that when required you will be the first one through your door.
I’ll see you on the other side.
Jason Kraus