by Daveda Gruber:
Addressing the elephant in the room on Tuesday, Representative Steve Green R-MN., said that Antifa and Muslim organizations plan to “police Minneapolis under Muslim rule.”
Two weeks ago the Minneapolis City Council voted to abolish the city’s police force. So what does the city have in mind to replace current law enforcement?
Green has stated, “What you’re looking at, in my humble opinion, is communism moving into Minneapolis and St. Paul.”
Green went on to say that Antifa and Muslim organizations plan to “police Minneapolis under Muslim rule.”
The New York Times reported that “many have called for relying more on self-policing by the community, in the way attendees often do at events like music festivals, with the police stepping in only when a true emergency arises. Some cited as an example how, in the days after the killing of Mr. Floyd, teams made up of dozens of members of the American Indian Movement patrolled streets and directed traffic in the Little Earth housing community in Minneapolis.”
In 2016 Minneapolis Muslims in man-on-the-street interviews openly say that they preferred Islamic law over American law.
Sharia patrols are common in Germany, Britain, and even New York City.
In New York City there is a Muslim Community Patrol (MCP). They wear uniforms that closely resemble New York Police Department uniforms. They also drive cars that appear, at a glance, to look like NYPD cars.
They enforce the “fundamentals of the Sharia.”
Siraj Wahhaj, who is a Muslim leader said, “The mosques need protection and the MCP cars can help stop people who were not following the rules and regulations of the sharia, doing what they’re not supposed to be doing, but still doing it.”
A Muslim man with the MCP said, “Muslim women being out after dark, Muslim men hanging out in the corners doing dope, Muslims drinking liquor,” and enforcing, “basically, the fundamentals of the Sharia.”
If Muslims patrols are initiated in Minneapolis, they would probably perform in the same manner.
Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar’s 5th Congressional District is the jihad terror recruitment capital of the United States. Sharia law promotes waging war against and subjugate unbelievers so, it isn’t likely to be a priority to stop young Muslim men who engage in jihad activities.
Islam historically has never had any difficulty coexisting with authoritarian governments and can coexist with Antifa enforcers.
Minnesota state Democratic Representative, Mohamud Noor of Minneapolis, didn’t repute Green’s statements.
Noor has said that rather than talk about things that inflame people and create division, Minnesota needs to address the challenge before it.
He said, “Talk of Antifa/Islamic rule in Minneapolis might “inflame people,” so keep quiet. Keep quiet, that is, if you oppose such an eventuality, not if you favor it.”
Noor went on to say, “Minnesota is awake. They understand the challenges; they have been hearing the challenges for far too long. And we can’t wait any longer.”
Green seems to have hit the nail on the head and it appears that things are moving along in the direction he has stated.
How many Democratic cities will eventually have Muslim policing? How long will it take before the Muslim policing increases and infiltrates the Christian and Jewish communities?
Folks, the numbers of Muslims in America has grown. The numbers of Muslims in government is staggering.
I wrote an article that names all the Muslim members in U.S. government.
Here is the link if you are interested in seeing:
I call on all Conservative Americans to vote in droves on November 3rd. Vote for Republican candidates. Vote out the Democrats and Muslims.
Vote RED down the line and save American values.
Stay free! Keep America Great! #Trump2020!
Follow @DavedaGruber on Twitter.