Debt, Pimp, and Fruit Loops

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When Barack Obama met with “Pimp with a Limp”…we were working.

When Obama met with Al Sharpton…we were working.

When Obama met with a woman who bathed herself in milk and Fruit Loops…we were working.

As stated previously those who’ve been with me for a while know how I feel about Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Disgust isn’t a strong enough word for these two.

Bill Clinton put us on this path with his deregulation of Wall Street and overtly racist housing programs. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd anyone?

Bush was even worse. Over the years America has counted on the “Republicans” to be the “adults” in government. Those days are over. Bush knew about the harm and the fraud taking place across America known as “ninja” loans. No Income No Job.

He also knew these things were being “packaged”, re-branded by ratings agencies and sold as “quality” investments around the world.

He knew about these incredibly real dangers to our economy, banking system, and currency and did nothing. Yes he gave a cursory warning and was ridiculed by Dodd and Frank. So what?

Do your job!

Protection of America from all enemies foreign and domestic.

Bush rolled the dice (as Obama is doing now) and figured he would be out of office before the Clinton Housing Bubble burst. He also believed most Americans would realize this mess started with Clinton.

As we know (and with so many other things) he was wrong.

It landed directly in his lap and many uninformed Americans believed and still believe this economic “crisis” was created by Bush.

Anybody willing to read knows this isn’t true. He may have been forgiven for his Ostrich approach had he not “mistaken” Saddam Hussein for Osama bin Laden.

To every Bush apologist left: Wake up. He was a horrendous President.

It is important to realize this for one reason. In fact I can explain to you in one sentence why anyone left supporting Bush or Cheney is hurting America.

They opened the door for Barack Obama. Not once but twice.

America was still so jaded from Bush’s policies she re-elected a NIGHTMARE. We couldn’t have asked for a worst penance.

I will completely ignore Obama’s outright lies about Afghanistan and Iraq.

I will ignore his usage of the IRS.

I will ignore Brian Terry, Cheryl Atkinson, and the wire tapping of AP reporters.

I will ignore the brutal murder of a young girl from Chicago who was gunned down in the streets after sharing her beautiful voice with the man who promised to make those streets safer.

I will ignore that Obama made famous habitual criminals while inciting violence through various sources towards the men and women in law enforcement who help keep us safe.

I will ignore his almost doubling of welfare/food stamps.

I will ignore his proclivity to talk about the color of Americans skin.

I will ignore his tacit approval of the Federal Reserve to artificially inflate the stock market and housing.

In my lifetime I’ve experienced two stock and housing market booms and busts. We are experiencing number three.

I will ignore his changing of the way employment and deficit numbers are measured to improve his talking points.

I will NOT ignore the debt. I will not ignore the debt for one reason.

It will not ignore us.

It will not take pity on America.

Debt is economic slavery and when it is pervasive will “transform” any society. The only thing more dangerous to a society is outright mayhem.

Murder, rape, and pillage.

Just look to Iraq, Venezuela, or many countries in Africa for an example of societal despair and destruction.

Debt is America’s killer. Clinton left us with a manageable amount. Bush was worse.

The debt allowed to accrue under the leadership of Obama is beyond dangerous. Obama supporters: you ignore the truth at your own peril.

Although the pain of debt will hit everyone, except Clinton, Bush, and Obama and their friends, it will not pick and choose amongst the rest of us.

The difference will be all Federal programs will be crushed or eliminated. The millions of us financially responsible private sector Americans will get hit with mind numbing taxes (which is already happening now).

The irresponsible will lose most or all of their government entitlements. Even if the government continues to send housing subsidies, food vouchers, and medical insurance promises, it won’t matter. The eventual stagflation that will take place will dramatically lessen your ability to buy anything. As is happening already private business will stop “accepting” certain types of payment.

Still not convinced? Let me try it a different way.

When Obama leaves office our debt will be around twenty trillion dollars. $20,000,000,000,000.

The Federal Government receives in taxes from those of us involved in Capitalism around four trillion a year.

If the government stopped spending right now it would still take us 5 years to pay off the debt, without even factoring in the interest.

This means no social programs, no medicare, no social security, no MILITARY.

God bless our wonderful soldiers. The overwhelming amount would probably volunteer to protect America for free. But it wouldn’t matter. There wouldn’t be any money to house, feed, or provide them with weapons.

I can hear the liberals now. “This will never happen”.

It’s already started.

Obama explicitly warned and threatened that social security and military wouldn’t be paid during the last fight over raising the debt ceiling…if it wasn’t raised.

Please pay attention Obama supporters.

Your wonderful leader who lies to OUR faces on a consistent basis told everyone that the government would shut down without a debt ceiling increase.

Those are his words not mine.

Although I don’t believe him on virtually anything else he is right.

Had the debt ceiling not been raised every single Federal program would have taken a financial beating. Why is this? Because we don’t have the money to fund all of these things AND pay just the interest on the debt.

Again his words not mine.

When you have to borrow to survive what will you do when no one will loan you anymore money? It’s simple. You either take care of yourself…or you die.

Barack Obama stated George Bush was unpatriotic for increasing our debt. He was right. Obama makes Bush look like a child in this regard.

Barack Obama also said “we don’t have a problem with debt right now but if we don’t do something we will in ten years”.

He then stacked on trillions more.

He’s playing the Bush card.

He doesn’t think all of these economic forces will land on him.

The difference in this regard is Bush ignored Clinton’s fraudulent creation.

Obama is repeating it and “hoping” he will be out of office
before this house of debt comes crashing amongst us all.

His “hopes” may be fulfilled.

Regardless, when that last piece of straw hits the camel…the camel is going down.

Now you may hear some “intellectuals” blather on about how the Fed and Obama saved us. They couldn’t be more wrong. The government created the avenues for this to happen.

When the sheep dog sleeps the wolves will eat.

You don’t get to rob me and then sell me a “security” system.

But that’s exactly what has happened through three presidents and two corrupt political parties.

When politicians start using words like “Quantitative Easing” (something most of them cannot coherently explain) or “Government mandated affordable subsidized health care” (something none of them believe; Gruber anyone?) your brain should immediately warn you. Your amygdala should be sending serious messages to the rest of your body.

Now…we do have a way to fix this.

But we have to really grasp the seriousness of this issue.

Cancer can be removed if caught early in most people.

But when it spreads (like debt) to too many sections of the body, (economy) doctors start talking about making the patient “comfortable” (QE) because they know there is nothing they can do.

Our current leadership thinks this way. Just keep them “comfortable” (voters) until it is the next person’s turn.

We’ll call it Hope and Change.

Right now “comfortable” looks like tens of millions of Americans receiving some kind of check from the government. Many of them are doing an excellent job. Our military, FBI, and CIA are paid from the government. But when the money runs out…it runs out for everything. In fact it already has.

To fix these issues we have to do two things.

Abolish all income, capital gains, corporation, and inheritance taxes. There is a detailed plan in my book. Late Bird. This will be replaced by a consumption tax. Once the debt has been paid off the consumption tax will be lessened and eventually removed with the creation of an American energy policy based in large part on natural gas. A policy that will benefit every American and still work within the Capitalistic system that must stay in place. Don’t bother arguing with me liberals. Just read the book.

The border must be closed. No society can allow the weakest amongst us to be abused. Any society allowing for this will collapse. The border is a magnet for murder, rape, and slavery. It must be closed for American safety and prosperity. It must be closed on a humanitarian basis. Once America has restored her shine we will gladly offer our help to Mexico and other pro-freedom countries in our vicinity by rebuilding their ecosystems through responsible trade agreements. Not NAFTA.

It’s up to you America. New systems offered by someone who loves our country, will not accept any campaign contributions, will only serve one term, and not take a salary.

Or crushing debt while Democratic and Republican politicians lie straight to our faces continuing to steal money from us through negative interest rates, per inflation, on our savings accounts and egregious tax policies that follow us after we no longer draw breath.

We can do this. You just have to believe and then take each step with me one day, one voice at a time.

I am ready to serve you.

Are you ready to serve America?


Jason Kraus

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