A friend of mine asked me recently about all the problems in California. I told him all of these things would stop…eventually. “When?” was his question. “When will they fix the roads? When will they stop cutting down all the trees and creating slums known as affordable housing?” “When will […]
Free America Network
ICE Operation to Deport Illegal Migrants to be Delayed
by Daveda Gruber: On Saturday President Trump gave a clear warning to illegal immigrants. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will be doing their job and apprehending migrants who are here illegally and they will be sending them home. Needless to say, Democratic politicians were opposed to this. Trump was not […]
Supreme Court Rules to Let Peace Cross Stand
by Daveda Gruber: On Thursday the Supreme Court ruled that a World War One memorial in the shape of a cross can stand. It was determined by a 7 to 2 vote that the Bladensburg Peace Cross, as it is known, is not religious in nature and does not violate […]
AOC Says Border Detention Centers are Concentration Camps
by Daveda Gruber: Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez D-N.Y., has likened southern border facilities to concentration camps. National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) Vice President Art Del Cueto, was not going to sit back and listen to Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s opinion without criticizing her. Ocasio-Cortez posted to Instagram and said in her video, “The […]
Hush Now Liberals, Don’t Say a Word
In celebration of Father’s Day I would like to take this moment to thank my Father for not only being a great Dad but a wonderful person. Thanks Dad. I love you. I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention our Founding Fathers. Without the likes of Washington, Jefferson, […]
Virginia Beach Shooting Victim Considered Taking a Gun to Work
by Daveda Gruber: Twelve people were murdered by a Virginia Beach man and one of the victims, Kate Nixon, had a premonition that something bad might happen. The night before the horrific shooting on May 31, Nixon had spoken to her husband about bringing a gun to work for self-defense. […]
Mosque Leader Teaches ‘Wife Beating’ to Remind Women Who ‘Misbehaved’
by Daveda Gruber: The Middle East Media Research Institute, known to some as MEMRI, has released a video on “wife-beating” with the speaker being Imam Bassem al-Sheraa. The Imam was “educating” students on the role of “wife-beating” while telling the class at the Az-Zahraa Islamic Center in Detroit, Michigan exactly […]
Is Pelosi Done with Trump?
by Daveda Gruber: On Tuesday Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was not backing claims on impeachment but rather implying that her caucus has more support for not pushing for it than it has members who do want to roll with it. Pelosi was speaking at the Fiscal Summit in […]
AOC Pushing for Magic Mushroom Research
by Daveda Gruber: On Friday Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., filed legislation to make it easier and possibly legal for researchers to study the therapeutic and medical benefits of psychedelic drugs. The drugs would include “magic mushrooms” in the study. An appropriations bill, as far as Ocasio-Cortez is concerned, needs the […]
by Daveda Gruber: On Friday Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., filed legislation to make it easier and possibly legal for researchers to study the therapeutic and medical benefits of psychedelic drugs. The drugs would include “magic mushrooms” in the study. An appropriations bill, as far as Ocasio-Cortez is concerned, needs the […]