Don Grogg Was Such a Man

FAN Moderator

Recently and unfortunately United States Marine, a wonderful person, and my  American Brother Don Grogg passed away. “Can you see the measure of a man? Who smiles throughout his pain. Who always embraced the sunshine And laughed through all the rain. I have seen the measure of a man Whose […]


FAN Moderator

As the world turned this week the banking “crisis” was the next thing on the list. Covid’s over, or at least on the back burner, to be released at later date. “Climate Change” just isn’t that sexy to the newer generations anymore and they are wary of John Kerry whose […]

Always Shoulder to Shoulder With You

FAN Moderator

First and foremost, and with sadness, I offer my condolences to my American Brother Mr. Mike Vail whose lovely wife recently passed away. “Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.” Always shoulder to shoulder with you. Jason. This week found banks failing, bailouts occurring and Janet Blind […]

Damn That Clam

FAN Moderator

What can one say about another week in Biden Land? At least he didn’t fall down any stairs, at least that we know of. Under the “guidance” of Progressives everything has become more expensive and the world is sadly more dangerous. The Dems fix for this? Biden’s toast, and will […]

From Another Planet Janet

FAN Moderator

It is utterly amazing how politicians and their ilk can lie and/or be wrong at every turn and still be considered “experts” by the public or given credit for a “job well done”. Bill Clinton lied so many times he changed the definition of “sex” or “is” or sex with […]

no title yet

FAN Moderator

As the Biden Administration tried to not fall down at any given moment I gave some thought as to how obtuse someone had to be to vote Democrat. Don’t get me wrong I don’t find most Republican politicians to be very bright but the depths of intellectual depravity one must […]

The Trewth

FAN Moderator

One of the more wonderful things about being an American is meeting those who love this country. Who believe in working hard, in giving to others and the Truth. Who believe nothing is more important than Freedom. Nothing. One of the opportunities given by the Internet is to reach into […]

Oh What a World

FAN Moderator

The search for a topic this week lead me down a road I rarely arrive. I just didn’t feel like writing. I’m tired of covering the same stupidity, the same insanity, the same hypocrisy. It’s become mind numbingly boring. Then it hit me. I’ll write from the Liberal perspective where […]

Unicorns and Rainbows

FAN Moderator

It is an interesting time to be alive and it definitely beats the alternative. Well, probably. Over the week as I trimmed trees, cut and stacked firewood and enjoyed the sun I took the opportunity to listen to a few podcasts. In one the guest speaker came off as a […]