Biden Spins Facts on Framework

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In a speech announcing the framework for a pared-down spending plan, President Joe Biden made some questionable claims: Biden said the plan is “fully paid for,” but some economists believe the White House revenue estimates are a bit rosy and warn that the balanced book relies on expiring spending plans […]

Trump and Son Whitewash Vaccine Willingness Before Biden

FAN Moderator

The percentage of Americans who say they would “definitely not” get the COVID-19 vaccine has remained relatively stable since 2020. And the daily number of people getting vaccinations had slid near a low point when President Joe Biden announced sweeping vaccine mandates. Yet, former President Donald Trump and his son […]

PhRMA Ad Misleads on Medicare Drug Negotiation Legislation

FAN Moderator

In TV ads, the pharmaceutical industry claims congressional plans to allow the federal government to negotiate drug prices in Medicare would deny beneficiaries’ access to medicines their doctors prescribe. Experts say that’s unlikely, and an inaccurate portrayal of recent legislation. Under current law, the federal government is barred from negotiating […]