WATCH: Crows darken sky above Tajikistan

FAN Editor

Now Playing: A song and dance for candy Now Playing: Crows darken sky above Tajikistan Now Playing: Huge rally in Barcelona in support of Spanish unity Now Playing: More than 1 million people march in Barcelona to support a unified Spain Now Playing: US military investigates 2 Navy SEALs in […]

WATCH: Huge rally in Barcelona in support of Spanish unity

FAN Editor

Now Playing: Catalan president may declare independence Now Playing: Hundreds injured in Catalan independence referendum voting Now Playing: More than 1 million people march in Barcelona to support a unified Spain Now Playing: Crows darken sky above Tajikistan Now Playing: Huge rally in Barcelona in support of Spanish unity Now […]

Jared Kushner made unannounced trip to Saudi Arabia

FAN Editor

President Trump‘s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner recently traveled to Saudi Arabia, a senior White House official confirmed. The trip was not announced ahead of time. On his third trip to Saudi Arabia this year, Kushner, whose White House portfolio includes the Middle East, left the U.S. on Wednesday […]

Iran says its president turned down a meeting with Trump

FAN Editor

Iran’s foreign ministry says that Iranian President Hassan Rouhani turned down a meeting with President Donald Trump during his visit to New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly in September. The Sunday report by the semi-official ILNA news agency quotes ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi as saying “an intention […]