Expert tips for navigating Thanksgiving dinner conversation

FAN Editor

Perhaps the most daunting thing about Thanksgiving is not navigating the travel, the traffic or the mountains of food but navigating the dinner conversation while keeping the peace. “Remember that you can endure just about anything for one day, and that includes uncomfortable family settings,” Sharon Schweitzer, the founder of […]

South Dakota lawmaker, brother-in-law drown in Cook Islands

FAN Editor

A South Dakota state representative and his brother-in-law drowned in an apparent kayaking accident in the Cook Islands in the South Pacific, where they were attending a wedding for the lawmaker’s daughter, officials said Thursday. Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s office said in a statement that state Rep. Craig Tieszen, 68, a […]

Congressional Russia probes likely to head into 2018

FAN Editor

Some Republicans are hoping lawmakers will soon wrap up investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 election that have dragged on for most of the year. But with new details in the probe emerging almost daily, that seems unlikely. Three congressional committees are investigating Russian interference and whether President Donald […]