California Senate Debate

FAN Moderator

America is screaming for a new way.

A brighter path.

The House Majority Leader (Eric Cantor) lost his last election to someone no one had “heard of.”

The Speaker of the House (John Boehner) voluntarily stepped down.

Even Barbara Boxer decided it would be better to “retire” than face the wrath of the California voter.

Of course her past proclamation and feigned outrage at what is happening to girls in Iraq provided the American people with an amazing view of a “politician”.

The abuse of women and children in this part of the world  has been going on for centuries.

So what does the media in California offer her citizens?

A debate with two Democrats and two Republicans…two career politicians and two former Party bosses.

Two corrupt wings.

One dying bird.

Americans on both sides of the aisle are lining up by the millions and casting votes for non-politicians (Trump, Carson) and perceived outsiders (Cruz and Sanders).

Americans have been very clear.

We do not want the status quo.

No more of the “crony” capitalism or in other words…corruption.

Yet here in California an American who has stood up, refused campaign contributions, a salary if elected to serve, and will only do so for one term, is being overlooked for career politicians or Party bosses by what will probably be the only debate in the Golden State before the Sample Ballot and Absentee Ballots are mailed.

Is it any wonder the Citizenry doesn’t trust the media anymore than a politician?

While our current government dances the tango Europe continues to explode costing the lives of more humans.

While our current government does the wave with a murderer at a baseball game more criminals were released in America who will then continue the pattern of being arrested again for murder or rape.

While our current government rebukes and blames a man for the breakdown of American society (who has never been spent a day in elected office) more money was released to the nation of Iran while admitting some of these billions would be used to fund terrorism.

As if that weren’t enough the Obama Administration continues to empty Guantanamo Bay of humans who we know are going back into the fight and have cost the lives of Americans.

These are indisputable facts that many in the media are ignoring or reluctantly covering.

They’d rather talk about a fictitious “war on women” than deal with the real war on women happening everywhere Sharia Law exists.

The same Sharia Law many Democratic Politicians think is just fine as support for Islam, Sunni or Shiite, is support for aforementioned oppression.

We are 19 trillion in debt, human trafficking (slavery) continues to happen through our Southern border, and a multi-generational drug problem, that is being ignored, grows worse.

Social Security is broke regardless of what the “experts” say.

Both Medicare and Medicaid have been hammered through Obamacare and a Boomer generation that has overwhelmed the system due to sheer numbers, poor nutrition, and irresponsible lifestyle choices.

Yet the first chance for Californians to hear a new voice is being shunned for four people who either supported Clinton, Bush, or Obama.

The worst generation of Presidents in American history.

These United States are through with Democratic and Republican lies and deception.

No more donkeys or elephants.


America First.  American Only.

My name is Jason Kraus.  I am registered No Party Preference.  California has designated me as an Independent and on that factor they are correct.

I am independent of corruption or said differently independent of Party.

If elected by the Great State of California I will be there to SERVE you.

To require the rule of law be enforced.

To remove all forms of income tax.

Free the American worker.

Close the border.

Protect the American Citizen.

I have created both an Economic Tax Plan and Immigration Policy that is comprehensive and will actually work unlike every plan I have seen from Presidential candidates.

Furthermore it is highly doubtful any of the “four” selected for the Senate debate in California have any plan at all.

Evil lurks where good Americans do nothing.

It is your time, our time to stand up and use the 1st Amendment to the very best of your ability.

Regardless of where you are in America the United States Senate position in California will affect you as each State sends only two Citizens.

Let your voice be heard now.

The phone number and email address to the television station KRCA Channel 3 is listed below.

916-446-3333 and

Use them both and stand shoulder to shoulder with me to require they put an American Voice on that stage.

Out here Channel 3 is an NBC affiliate.

I promise this to you.

Give me your voice and passion and require the NBC affiliate to have me on that stage and I personally guarantee “must see TV” in the likes never seen before.

Trust me my fellow Americans if on that stage I will change this election overnight.


Jason Kraus

United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions

No salary

One term

Leadership by example.

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