A letter from America

FAN Moderator

I really enjoy hearing from all of you.  The numbers are now so large it is hard to respond to everyone.  But I hear you and many of your letters, notes, or comments turn into the next column or provide me with an even greater relationship with my American Brothers and Sisters.  For every negative comment it seems I receive ten in the affirmative.  One Obama supporter asked me one time why I didn’t respond to her rant.  For the record I did respond.

I deleted it:)

If I don’t have time to respond to all of you wonderful people who love and cherish the greatest country in the history of man why would I bother with anyone else?

Of course the question answers itself.

I don’t.

We aren’t  here to make “nice” with supporters of oppression.  We are here to make a difference, reclaim our birthright, and restore our country.  With that said I recently received a letter from an American Sister.  With her permission I am sharing a part of it with you because it moved me.

God bless the United States.

Shoulder to shoulder.

One voice at a time.

Introducing the voice of Valerie Lever:


I finally was able to read the book and I will say that from the very beginning it caught my attention….I enjoyed the way you were able to tell about your family life and how I could easily draw my own pictures from your writing….we both grew up with a lot of the same family values, being taught to help others, to use our manners, do the right thing and to be a part of giving to society, not taking….I so felt the agony of your mother when she paid a visit to public assistance, the disrespect she was submitted to by a case worker…I too felt that shame she was made to feel by just trying to get a little help for her family.

Your word pictures of high school brought back so many memories of the kids I knew, the special teachers, and the not so special teachers,and the things I learned. I wasn’t a boy so I didn’t participate in baseball, etc….but I have awesome memories of the junior/senior powder-puff football game at the end of the year….a memory I will never forget…it was tag football…we grabbed a rag hanging off the back of each player….I was a lowly junior and I grabbed for a Senior’s rag and by mistake caught the bottom of her shirt which, being old, ripped, and exposed much of her bra in the front…the stands erupted in laughter.

I thought it was going to be my last night on earth…but we actually became good friends and were able to laugh about that ourselves….excuse me, I do ramble on….anyway, back to your book.

I love the way you made the story come to life…and the ideas you have for this country to get it back in the hands of true Americans.

Those who love and have pride for this great land.

I agree with every one of your ideas, no income tax, a consumption tax, closing and protecting the border, and the steps to become a legal American.

I love that someone finally agrees that we must have ID to vote and the idea of the US Military and Protection Tax.

I love the idea of owning a tax free home, to know that if you pay for it you don’t have to worry about losing it for unpaid taxes and the idea of us not having to support every yo-yo who serves in Congress for the rest of their lives.

Jason, I’ve been spreading the word trying to get people motivated with excitement about you and your running for president….I’m having luck with some but am disappointed with many people who will make comments such as “that’s nice but he’ll never get elected” or  “he isn’t known” or “they’ll never let him get away with his ideas”.

On and on with negative instead of positive comments and thoughts….I get so frustrated.

I usually tell them that if they would get a positive attitude, and think yes it can be done, we can get our old America back, and someone who feels the way we do can get elected if each person who agreed would just inform 10 people who would be excited about the idea and each of those 10 would do the same with 10 more, and so on, before we know it the word would spread like wildfire….so yes, we can do it!

We can get you elected but we must believe that it can be done!

I want to just jerk a knot in some people’s heads.

I tell them “well then just go on about voting for someone who makes all these promises and who you find out after the elections are the same old liars as the rest have been….we keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.”

When will they ever learn?

I want it now.

In this next election!

Anyway, I didn’t mean to write a book but I’m excited to spread the news and excited to be on board the “Freedom Train”!

Maybe I expect too much…maybe I can’t get my ten, maybe I’ll have to settle for five…omit that…I will not settle for five, nor ten….I’m shooting for at least one hundred!

“One voice at a time”


Amen Valerie.


Let the call roar far and wide across these United States currently seeking just 10 million American voices to join us and forward the message along.

Voices that make up 3 percent of population.

The message is freedom…as you well know.

The time is now.

Shoulder to shoulder.

This is OUR country.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.


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