Tonight, President Joe Biden gives his first official State of the Union speech. He, of course, won’t agree, but to my way of thinking, his woke, big government socialist agenda is on trial.
He ran as a moderate, but he’s governed as a Bernie Sanders-AOC radical leftist across the board — whether it’s the attack on fossil fuels, or energy independence, or open borders, or massive inflationary spending, or tax hikes, or record regulatory red tape increases, or record crime rates, or critical race theory divisions in our schools and almost every place else, emphasizing gender and race rather than merit, health mandates that have been hated, a catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, bungled diplomacy leading from behind in Ukraine,
I believe Mr. Biden’s so-called transformational agenda has been completely rejected by America. That’s right, completely rejected. Common sense folks around the country are simply not buying what Biden has been selling.
The great news is that even in Congress, his agenda has failed. Save America. Kill the bill. I’m not all that big on polls, but on Monday, in a liberal poll from CBS/YouGov, 2,238 adults – not even registered voters and certainly not likely voters – showed Mr. Biden underwater in every key category.
His approval rating on Russia-Ukraine crisis – 41%, on Crime – 39%, on the economy – 38%, on immigration – 37%, on inflation – 30%.
Frankly, all the polls – liberal, conservative, center – show all the same results: Americans reject Biden’s radical transformational agenda.
Of course, Mr. Biden could pivot this evening toward more reasonable moderate policies. There was an opening to do that a couple months ago around the end of last year, but he wouldn’t do it. I don’t expect any changes from him tonight. It’s too bad, because like all folks, I worry about the future of America. But I think Biden’s going to stay on his radical, leftist, progressive course. The fiscal State of the Union is broken, and consequently, the inflation problem is getting worse, not better.
Instead of an all of the above energy policy – the left-wing Green New Deal climate crowd – insists on abolishing fossil fuels and offers no alternative road map for the future. It’s a catastrophic policy. It will devastate jobs and the economy. It will make inflation vastly worse.
You’ll hear President Biden try to pitch his Green New Deal and his “Build Back Broke” programs again tonight, and then he’ll be shocked next week when the polls show him plunging even more. Americans don’t want it, nor do Americans want an all-powerful, centrally planned regulatory state that is reminiscent of Friedrich Hayek’s “Road to Serfdom.”
Instead, most folks believe in free enterprise capitalism and know that a good job is the best welfare plan of all. They know that free markets and free enterprise have created greater economic opportunities than any other system in history, and they will leave socialism to Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping or Venezuela’s Maduro, the Iranian mullahs and North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.
Biden has tried to transform a country that doesn’t want to be transformed. Improvement? Yes. Growthier reforms? Yes. Freedom from oppressive taxes and regulations? Yes. More power to the states and less to Washington D.C.? Yes.
Big government socialism? Absolutely not, but I’ll tell you this.
I’m proud of American folks. If Biden were at 65%, I’d be real worried. At 30%, not so much. Save America. The cavalry is coming.
This article is adapted from Larry Kudlow’s opening commentary on March 1, 2022, edition of “Kudlow.”