Make your voice matter

FAN Moderator

Nothing in life stays the same.

Things get better or worse depending upon your outlook and desire.

The man or woman in the mirror is our biggest asset or worst liability.
The choice to excel, to pursue happiness is yours.

Millions in America make a positive choice and in spite of our government their lives improve.
On the other hand we have millions who wallow in doubt, self pity, or fear and waste the opportunity of living in a free society.

Which are you?

Do you engage, regardless of obstacle, requiring greatness from yourself while earning your way through life?

Do you cower at opportunity, swallow your opinion, and shirk your responsibility onto others while complaining that “you can never catch a break” or are being held back by a “racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic society?”

Do you use the word privilege as a tool as in “it is a privilege to be an American” or as an excuse to achieve nothing because some sixties burnout told you, no matter what, you have no chance because of your color, gender, or sexual preference.

America has created the most opportunity of any country, for all people, in the history of man.
I for one am tired of hearing my country be run down by ignorant, lazy, malcontents who do nothing but hurt our way of life.

Yes I am talking about most members of the United States Congress as well as the Commander-in-Chief.
Some continue to opine that there is nothing we can do about their behavior.

They couldn’t be more wrong.

Through hard work and thousands of my own dollars I will be on the ballot in California offering to serve the people in the US Senate.

I was asked recently how I would get my name out to be recognized by the voters.
Newspapers, radio, television are all nice ( I’ve been in or on all three) but nothing is as powerful as social media.

More people are on Facebook than read every single newspaper in California…combined.
Technology has opened communication to everyone everywhere.

I have provided the link to every newspaper in California at the bottom. It’s as easy as clicking on the (f) next to each paper and typing in Jason Kraus for Senate, copying and pasting our press release picked up by Yahoo Finance (also at the bottom of the page) or just liking the work of others (Lucky Brand, Laura Watts Ruiz,etc) who have already done this. The more support shown on these pages the more they will cover us.

You can reside in South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Texas, Florida and even outside our great nation and help move the message of freedom in California with a keystroke.

Understand what kind of power you have at your fingertips…if you are willing to use it.

If you are willing to use it.

With that sentence we return to our premise:

Are you willing to engage, regardless of obstacle, requiring greatness from yourself while earning your way through life?

If your answer is yes then join me, as thousands already have, shoulder to shoulder and help to spread the message of a new day, a better way, a brighter path for America through the removal of all forms of income tax and the closure of our border.

Free the American Worker.

Protect the American Citizen.

The share button is a powerful tool that grows in strength with its usage.

Use it all day every day for the next three months and our mission to restore OUR country will take us to DC.

A strong work ethic and great expectations.

Sounds like each one of you.

Let’s go to work!

America awaits our arrival.

Let us not make her wait too much longer.

Jason Kraus
United States Senate 2017

No campaign contributions
No salary
One term

Leadership by example…/jason-kraus-announces-candidacy-…

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