Time to remove the unholy alliance

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Josh (it’s hilarious his last name is) Earnest stood up in front of the world and stated Donald Trump disqualified himself from being President of the United States with his statements about Islam.

Hmmm…did the Freedom of Speech disappear along with Obama’s red line?

Paul (I wish I was in Janesville) Ryan stood up in front of the world and declared Donald Trump’s statements about Islam to not be representative of the Republican Party.

Maybe that new beard is putting too much stress on his ability to read and understand things like polling.  Trump’s numbers went UP with Republican voters.  Then again what else can we expect from a person who learned about Washington D.C. from none other than Barney Frank.

Do your research Paul Ryan supporters. If you are honest with yourselves you will not like what you find unless you are a believer in the government borrowing trillions of dollars.  Who do you think just approved the debt ceiling be removed?  Kind of a bizarre concept…borrow and spend as much as you want until 2017.

Nothing quite like “compassionate conservatism” or “progressivism” to ruin a country.

Signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs…if you think the Republican and Democratic Parties aren’t both responsible for driving us into an economic catastrophe…well…here’s your sign.

Let us return to our original topic.

Months ago Trump spoke about our need to close our porous border or in other words…enforce the law.

I’ve been talking about this for years but better late than never.

He spoke about rapists and killers coming through the border from among other places, Mexico.  He stated facts (human trafficking happens every day through the border or in another word…slavery…and if you think these traffickers aren’t raping and killing children and women I suggest you trade places with one of the victims) and was called a racist by truly ignorant minds.

Mexico is a nation…albeit a corrupt one.  (Then again who are we to talk after almost 24 years of Clinton, Bush, and Obama.)

Being from Mexico makes one…a Mexican.

Mexican is not a color.  It is a nationality.  It is impossible to use the term Mexican and be a racist for one simple reason.

Mexican is not a race.

In fact I will offer a factual angle.  Those who called him a racist were in fact the racists themselves.  They heard “Mexican” and with their inference showed exactly their cards.

To a racist “Mexican” means brown skin.

For those of you racists who haven’t traveled, Mexico has plenty of humans living within its borders that do not have a brown dermis.

Sorry La Raza.

Your dream of a nation filled with the brown “race” just shows how pathetic and racist you really are…and for goodness sake let us please stop calling humans with brown skin (who may or may not speak Spanish) Latino or Hispanic.

Talk about overt, mainstream racism.

I digress.

As most are now aware Donald Trump stated bringing in Syrian Muslims, when we’ve already proven we cannot vet them properly, (also cited by the FBI Director BEFORE San Bernardino) is a mistake.

He was again called a racist.

Maybe if he was in the FBI this would be okay.

Sigh…let us try again.  Syria is a country and Islam is systemic oppression.  Neither are races although Arab Sunnis and Shiites will tell you they are a “superior” race.

What’s that?  That kind of language sounds familiar?

Well now…that type of language titled “Eugenics” was found in America and used by a women named Margaret Sanger.

Yes that is the same Margaret Sanger, Hillary Clinton has said, she admires.

What’s that?  You think you’ve heard it somewhere else?

My apologies.  You have.

It was labeled “Nazism” and its leader was known as a guy named Adolph Hitler.

So lets clear this up.

Trump is talking about nationalities and systemic oppression (Islam) and is smeared as a racist by what Lou Dobbs calls the Unholy Alliance:

Republican National Committee, Democratic National Committee, and the Mainstream Media.

Finally we have arrived at our dilemma.

Two corrupt political parties, and a lack of ethics and courage in today’s coverage, by those who are uniquely protected by the 1st Amendment, in order to protect the freedom of the American Individual.

Problem found.

Now how do we solve our problem?

First we lead by example and speak from a position of truth and only engage in factual discussion.  The need to belong is so powerful the human animal will spew horrendous things looking for the attention of anyone or anything at anytime.

Don’t engage with this absurdity.  When lies float from their lips, cut them off.  This is a free country. You are free at anytime to provide the truth…or just walk away.

When someone is given a book and they eat the pages it is time to stop giving them books…and your attention.

Trust me they will return eventually.

Someone will have to bail them out of jail.

Joking aside (or was I?) we must change the dynamic, create new models, find new algorithms and these new ideas must be wrapped around one thing:  The Ethical Individual.

We must understand the difference between the human animal and the human being.  Animals cannot control themselves.  Human Beings are in control of their bodies and minds and use their actions to benefit themselves, others, and society in general in a positive self-sustaining fashion.

The fancy terminology for this is personal responsibility.

Personal responsibility is the reason America is strong and leads the way in life, liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness!

Happiness is a fluid creation.  You gotta go get it!

You gotta want to feel joy, spread love, and be FREE!

Okay Jason, I am with you!  I want joy!  I am spreading love!  I am FREE but there is a storm brewing and we are in the eye in the hurricane.  What do we do?

First we show our appreciation to the Big Fella Upstairs for the gift of Free Will.

Second we say thank you to America, and the greatest species of the human race known as the American, that allowed most of us to be born free and receive the greatest home field advantage in the history of man.

Finally we join to together in protection of Freedom and our way of life, to ensure that the choice “to be” or “not to be” is always in the positive.

To be…is the answer.

“Be” well and “Be” free to the best of your abilities.

America is counting on you…and so am I.

I only ask that you share the message.

I will take care of the rest.

One last thing.

We aren’t in the eye of the hurricane.

We are the hurricane…with both eyes wide open.

Jason Kraus


United States Senate 2017

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