Now Playing: Trump chooses not to wear mask at Michigan Ford plant
Now Playing: Trump displays, but doesn’t wear mask
Now Playing: How contact tracing works and what it could mean for getting back to normal
Now Playing: More answers to your COVID-19 questions
Now Playing: Latest coronavirus developments
Now Playing: Latest updates on COVID-19: May 21, 2020
Now Playing: YouTube stars Sam and Colby say putting down their phone helps their mental health
Now Playing: Navajo Nation: Where COVID-19 claims whole families
Now Playing: Therapy dog goes virtual
Now Playing: Hawaii’s COVID-19 shutdown hits tourism hard
Now Playing: Greece prepares to reopen its doors to international tourists
Now Playing: The Rundown: Top headlines today: May 20, 2020
Now Playing: By the numbers: Travel and tourism industries hurt by pandemic
Now Playing: A Nation Divided: Who’s hurt most by COVID-19?
Now Playing: A Nation Divided: COVID-19’s racial disparities
Now Playing: A Nation Divided: COVID-19’s racial disparities
Now Playing: COVID-19 ripping apart Navajo Nation families
Now Playing: A first look at what Delta calls the future of flying
Now Playing: Potential scientific breakthrough regarding COVID-19