Transcript for Comey ‘violated… FBI’s own guidelines’ with leak, but didn’t break law: GOP senator
We bring in Susan Collins. Senior Republican on the se inlligence cmittee. Do you agree with that assessment of thee Dossie It’s too early to tell. Intelligence committee. So we have note able interview him. It will hav to Bob Mueller who gets to the got Tom of some of the allegations of the report that Mr. Steele compiled You D’t think Y’ll be able to? I don’t.I think it will take the special counsel’s ability to do so. I would note that it is — does raise questions about the sources of the information. That Mr. Steele relied upon. Because they were KREM sources. Wew that the russiwanted to sow the seeds of division in our count Disinformaon at every level. Exactly does Robert Mueller need protection from the senate? I think that it would not hurt if we passed legislation to send a message to the white house that we want the investigation continue. But th is that T prident is NER going to sign that legislation. And there are some legitimate constitutional concerns about it. But, hg the discsion in congress helps sen very strong message that we do not want Mr. Mueller’s investigation interfered with in any way I think you’re certainly ri the president would not sign that legislation. So are other steps senate could take to protehe note en if somehow Mr. Mueller were fired — and remember, O deputy attorney general can fire him. That the investigationstill ING to go on. So it would not spell the end the investigation. New deputy attorney general were nominated by thes I cannot imagine the senate confirming that individual. Withouclear commitment to apt a new indepet counsel. And,n , one of the things we S this week is that inigations continue outside of Robert Eller. We now the U.S. Attorney in the southern district. On James Comey, last June when he tied, you Calle testimony Ible, candid, thorough. Has anything changed your mind? His testimony credible D candid. One of the the questions I asked and he answer honestly was whether or note had leaked to ody outside of the FBI. The reports and notes he took on his gs with prest trump and he had. He admitted to that. Which was — you’re saying he’s a leaker but not a liar. Exactly.t that — at’s disturbing about at is his ak of those documents violated the FBI’s own guidelines, which he, himself, help write. So — at’s troubng to me. It’s also — I would go back further. Thanfriend the congressman did. To the first misstep thates Comey me after a very distiuished career was not 11 days before the election. It was back in the summer of 2016. The P conference. The press conference. In which he did thing very L. As an inst announced, and thus violated the department of justice’s own guid, decision no indict Hillary con. And th excoriatehe handling of classified information. That’s not an appropriate for the FBI director. And it seems to me that unfortunately, Mr. Comey stopped making investigative judgments that — and instead was ma politicasessments. Yhink that S clearly the mistake for him right there. Onha leaking, though, you saw the prest’s tweet th G. The president it was classified information and he shouldtothat. You see any evidence of a crime there? No, I don’t. And finally. I do W to, before you go, ask you Abou Sia and the strikes on Friday night. In your view, as a member of the senate ielligence committee, what was accomplished? Will more action be ssary? First of all, I think the strikes were proportional and justifiable. The asregime has used chemical weapons 50 times. They violate treaties. We acted withur allies, the French and the briti I’m glad that the strikes were undeen. That does noowever, solve the problem that we do not have an overcomprehensive tegy for dealing with Syria. It’s a very difficult issue. But don’t think we can stand after the rians violhe 2013 agreement the Russians negotiated, that was suppo nd to of their chemical ons. Clearly, that did not happen. Senatornsyou for your time. Thank you.
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